The globalist is a kind of animal who demands from others the observance of universal human rights, which he often mentions, but he himself widely deplores them, if that is precisely his interest.

The globalist committee of the WHO, i.e. the UN World Health Organization, refuses to give up its dictatorial plan to arbitrarily intervene in the lives of all the peoples of the Earth at any time. As CitizenGo draws attention to, they want to force the draft on the decision-makers by November, according to which, instead of the leaders of the nations, they would have the right to order worldwide closures, to prescribe when and which mandatory vaccinations we should receive and when we should not travel to where. For this, they would have to do nothing more than declare a pandemic or invoke the interest of public health.

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power would be placed in the hands of an unelected supranational group that could override the independent health decisions of nation-states,

but this is only the appearance. The reality is darker than this, because the convention could easily be used as a political weapon. (Tamás Fricz analyzed the danger in two articles last year, here and here again.)

In the spring, they already managed to stop this effort, but now they are trying again and in a more aggressive way than before to make it accepted, or rather, to force it down our throats. Moreover, they try to do this in such a way that the public gets as little information as possible, so that we can hinder the implementation as little as possible.

Quite insidious steps were also taken in order to gain acceptance.

They are using the Covid epidemic as a screen, hiding behind it and trying to manipulate it.

Vaccinations against the coronavirus could still be chosen on an almost voluntary basis, for those who did not want to or did not get vaccinated. Of course, there were fake news and anti-vaccination movements, but despite these, I had the right to say yes or no to the possibility of protection. If the WHO is in charge, no one will have such a right.

What is God doing? Monkey pox suddenly appeared after this, which is mostly mild, but in extreme cases it can even be fatal. If they force it through the epidemiological agreement, even in this case they would pump some kind of unnecessary vaccine into us and we wouldn't even be able to resist. They could ban us from traveling while the risk of infection is minimal. They could close countries, i.e. they would be able to destroy states that do not work in a way they don't like.

What would this be if not a dictatorship? Just dressed in a medical gown.

By the way, the WHO espouses principles that sensible, conscientious people reject and despise. In 2022, for example, guidelines were published, according to which the killing of fetuses should be allowed worldwide, and abortion should be performed up to the moment of birth.

What medical organization promotes murder?

People, something is very wrong here!

There was not much time left for citizens, such as CitizenGo, to try again to use the power of publicity to prevent the adoption of the convention. To this end, they initiated a petition, calling on the Hungarian temporary administrator participating in the trial not to accept the draft. the petition here .

Author: Jr. György Tóth

In the cover photo: Tedrosz Adhanom Ghebreyesus is the director-general of the WHO

Photo: MTI/EPA-Keystone/Salvatore Di Nolfi