Would you go home? Not. And if I pay you? Not. Something similar is happening with the Swedes, because even though they offer small fortunes to illegal migrants upon their return, they just don't go back to where they came from.

The Swedes caught the Turks (and many other nations as well) and now they won't let them go. The previous tariff, which was HUF 350.00 per person, has now been significantly increased to HUF 35.000 (roughly HUF 12 million) for the immigrant who would voluntarily leave Sweden in exchange for this.

But he doesn't want to leave her, not even for that much.

Not even if this amount is meant per person, i.e. a family of 6-7 members would receive a huge amount.

The provision would enter into force on January 1, 2026. They plan to provide 105 million kroner in additional resources for this next year, 1.4 billion in the year the measure enters into force, and 1.4 billion in 2026, i.e. more than 50 billion forints. In order to ensure that the recipients of repatriation support do not travel to Sweden again with a different identity (of which there have been many examples in the case of those who have been expelled), emigrants should undertake to record biometric data , writes V4NA.

The website Alkompis investigated how many people would consider accepting the offer. 77 percent of those surveyed said that

he doesn't even care about the increased amount,

and only 15 percent of them think they might be interested in the offer. The others are uncertain. It was also revealed that 90 percent of the more than 2,700 respondents had already heard about the increased resettlement support.

Among the 77 percent who said no to SEK 350,000, they were also asked whether they would accept an even higher amount. 66 percent of them answered that they would never return to their country, while 25 percent would consider the decision.

23 percent of the respondents would consider returning for an amount of SEK 1 million (more than HUF 34 million) or more.

Source: V4NA

Cover image: Magyar Nemzet/Zoltán Havran