Dear CÖF-CÖKA management! Please consider organizing another vitally important Peace March because of the extremely strong threat! - writes one of our intellectual patriots in a letter to the editors.

There is no need for a crowd of hundreds of thousands, less is enough, and this time it would be appropriate to march by touching the Budapest embassies that support Ukraine with money and weapons, with the classic anti-nuclear badge, holding up a mirror to the old hippies, many of whom are sitting in or around the responsible Western governments and fomenting war .

A car convoy could also be considered, definitely to Paris and Berlin, but there could also be other destination cities.

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Isn't there a Karakan politician (or two) in the world like the two Kennedys during the Cuban Missile Crisis? Their democracy is a republican value by today's standards.

We are the current president of the EU, in this matter, where else could such a civil initiative come from?

Best regards,
Károly Urbán, Budapest

(Our reader wrote his letter in connection with the fact that it appeared in the press : in the past few days, the statements by some politicians have been strengthened, which believe that they are discovering an increasingly serious perspective in the outbreak of a possible nuclear war - Editor's note.)

Cover image: Participants of the Peace March of the Civil Association Forum - Civil Association Public Foundation (CÖF-CÖKA) on the Margitsziget meadow
Source: MTI/Zoltán Balogh