For some, the application submitted to the Pro Filii Foundation is a last resort...

The Pro Filii foundation, which coordinates the charitable activities of the Mészáros Group, decided to support mainly families and civil organizations raising children with multiple disabilities, the communication directorate of the Mészáros Group announced.

Based on the decision of the board of trustees, out of the 550 applications received this year, in the third quarter, with a total value of almost HUF 3 billion

a total of 75 private individuals and NGOs will receive support of around HUF 250 million

they announced.


Today, the Pro Filii Foundation, one of the most important in the country, which supports civil organizations and private individuals, spends one billion forints a year to support the needy.

The board of trustees decided on grants for the third time this year. Out of the 550 applications received, a decision was finally made to support 47 individuals and 28 non-governmental organizations based on the recommendation of the evaluation committee made up of the managers of the company group. Out of the 167 private applicants requesting a total of about 760 million forints, 47 will receive a support of about 120 million forints, the vast majority of which are families raising disabled children.

Out of the 383 NGOs that applied for 2.1 billion forints, the board of trustees awarded support to 28 in the amount of more than 130 million forints. In accordance with the purpose of the Pro Filii Foundation, priority was given to those applications whose target group is children with medical, social or other disadvantages, and with the help of the support, a wider range of assistance can be implemented, they wrote.

The Pro Filii Foundation supports the treatment and development of many children living with rare diseases and disabled children, as well as improving their living conditions.

Thus, among other things, it contributes to the development of a little boy with a very rare genetic disease and to the rehabilitation of a little girl who underwent surgery for quadriceps tightness, as well as to improving the quality of life of several seriously ill autistic children, they said.

As a result of the decision of the board of trustees, the foundation supports the creation of a barrier-free playground for the disabled preschoolers of the Pető Institute, the purchase of medical equipment by the Sáránd Association for People with Disabilities and their Families and the Morpheus Anesthesiological Foundation, as well as the energy modernization of the Miskolc Autistic Foundation, which houses 50 young people with autism and other multiple disabilities.

In addition, the foundation supports the competition of talented, needy sports children and the organization of a cultural event, the proceeds of which benefit the Covid orphans, they announced.

According to the announcement, Andrea Várkonyi, the chairman of the board of trustees of the Pro Filii Foundation, explained in connection with this year's third quarter application evaluations:

"We have supported the requests of more private individuals than ever before, because we are aware of the challenges and trials faced by families raising sick children; we can help with the financial side of easing the burden, but we are very pleased that this cycle we were also able to support an organization that recruits young volunteers to care for the elderly, thereby promoting one of our main goals, which is to multiply the financial support we provide".

The result of the board of trustees' decision on the application materials received in the third quarter of 2024 can be read on the website

Gergely's chance

A specific case is reported on the Facebook page of the Pro Filii Foundation. In 2022, Illés Etelka's son, Gergely, struggled with a spinal tumor, and although the operation was successful, he unfortunately ended up in a wheelchair. After state rehabilitation options and family support, there was only one way left: private rehabilitation at Borsóház in Solymár.

Although the treatment proved to be successful, Etelka could no longer finance the costs alone, so as a last resort they submitted their application to the Pro Filii Foundation to support the rehabilitation.

Thanks to the successful tender, Gergely can continue his recovery at Borsóház, hoping to get back on his feet and return to society.

Photo: Pro Filii Facebook


Photo: Pro Filii Facebook