Christians, Jews, Muslims and Hindus marched together across Canada to express their protest against gender ideology in schools.

The #1MillionMarchforChildren march was organized across Canada on Friday. The event is held for the second year, and many people take part in it in each city

they oppose the spread of gender ideology in schools and want parents to retain the right to know what their children are being taught in classrooms.

The organizer of the march, the head of the umbrella organization "Hands Off Our Children", is Kamel El-Cheikh, an Ottawa businessman and parental rights activist who managed to keep his interfaith coalition of Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus and Sikhs together despite the war situation abroad.

"I've always called this event a marathon and not a sprint," El told The Post Millennial news site.

We are planning for the long term, for the children and parents, we will organize the march every year, this is not a one-time event

he highlighted.

Writer, pastor and trauma specialist Annel Gillies participated in the Ottawa march as a speaker. It's about children, he said, "protecting our children from the irrational ideologies, the sexualization of children that happens in our education system, and the extreme LGBTQ activists who push an agenda that damages our children's lives, both physically — if they choose to." , that they are 'transforming,' as they call it — but also mentally," he told The Post Millennial. He highlighted

“We are creating the biggest mental health crisis ever in Canada. Cell phones can also be blamed for this, but confusing our kids beyond measure about their gender, their biological sex, and confusing them with the idea that they can actually become the opposite sex, makes it worse.”

Jack Fonseca, director of political operations for Canada's largest pro-life group, the Campaign Life Coalition, said it's important to continue to strengthen this growing movement.

“The momentum is here. There are more and more families and average Canadians who are realizing what the hell is going on in their children's classrooms - they are not learning to read, write and count, they are learning gender ideology, homosexual lifestyle all day, in every grade, in every subject"

he said.

By the way, more and more people in Canada are fed up with the violent spread of gender ideology, and some provincial governments are already trying to suppress it. In February of last year, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith announced that teenagers under the age of 17 will no longer have access to gender reassignment surgery, and those under the age of 15 will be prohibited from prescribing anti-puberty drugs - The Post Millennial, which was viewed by the news agency, recalls.

Cover image: Illustration / CBC video screenshot