We live in the age of disinformation. The goal is to continuously hysterize society.

According to general opinion, we live in an information society. This is true for technology, but not true for society's awareness. People have never been as uninformed about really important issues as they are today, writes a reader of our portal in his opinion article sent to the editors.

With disinformation, the world media in the hands of the financial oligarchy has become the most effective tool of the background power in the entire liberal world. The effectiveness of influencing the masses increased along with the development of the technical level of communication, but even faster, similar to an exponential function: newspapers, radio, television and the Internet. The importance of the radio was already recognized by the Nazi J. Goebbels, as the radio brought the brainwashing home: "We make no secret of the fact that we put the radio at our service. I consider radio to be the most modern and effective propaganda tool that exists."

Today, social media has become one of the "nuclear bombs" of the globalists, because in it the responsibility of the news reporter has practically completely disappeared, fake news and discrediting are given space, on the other hand, the big service providers censor the opinions they don't like.

Now let's narrow down the investigation to our country. In the first few free elections, the programs of the parties were still in competition, but in the 2002 campaign, all this fundamentally changed. The Israeli consultant Ron Werber first launched the negative campaign with brutal force: forced speech, attacks on churches and national symbols, accusations of corruption, scorning 23 million Romanians, demonizing Viktor Orbán, etc. The opposition won the election.

The globalist opposition politicization that has been going on since 2002 is nothing more than a disinformation operation of increasing intensity carried out at a professional level.

With Soros's money and EU and official US support, fake news factories pour out a flood of half-truths and lies. As a result of all this, it has now been possible to create a feeling of well-being that is significantly worse than reality in a crowd of several million people, on the other hand, the accusation of systemic corruption has been leveled at the Orbán government: "...they steal everything!" Especially the latter is very effective. The figures below show the efficiency of deionization. Despite the unqualified opposition, the support of FIDESZ-KDNP is currently only 34 percent among the entire population, and 45 percent among certain voters. And the support of the Tisza Party without a program - having increased by five percent recently - reached 35 percent, although at the expense of the globalist parties. (MN 19.09.2024; Nézőpont Institute.) And the proportion of passive voters can be put at 30 percent, which means a crowd of several million.

"Liberal voters seized government subsidies and then voted for the opposition" published on the CÖF civilek.info website on August 7 raises the question of why the masses vote against their own interests. Below I draw your attention to the fact that

our globalist opposition is using a psychological weapon to change the government, and government communications don't seem to notice this.

Therefore, I will try to present the psychological factors related to hatred, even though I am not a psychologist. As a result of the negative campaign that has been going on for twenty-two years, hatred has embedded itself in the brains and hearts of millions of citizens, since the source of all problems is the powerless and corrupt government, FIDESZ and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. How much hatred of Orbán did it take for the most educated stratum of the electorate and the entrepreneurial stratum that benefited financially from the regime change to massively support Péter Magyar without a program? This proves that hatred is the wildest, most destructive social force because it blinds reason. That is why masses of people vote against their own interests.

The incitement of hatred based on disinformation - as a mass psychological weapon - has turned into a power-grabbing technique of our globalist opposition, with American and EU help.

Since hatred is similar to passion, the degree of hatred necessarily diminishes over time, so the flame of hatred must be constantly maintained. The tool for the long-term maintenance of hatred is the whipping up of temper and emotions. The toolkit for inciting anger: inciting envy, denigration, demonization and cajoling. The goal is to continuously hysterize society. Maintaining the degree of hatred explains the unqualified politicking style of the globalist opposition in Brussels and in Hungary. To prove this, it is enough to listen to the mad outbursts of the "Hitler epigon" Ferenc Gyurcsány, but the same frenzy can be seen in the Parliament of the Union, from Cohn Bendit to Guy Verhofstadt to Daniel Freund. Nowadays, the leader of the Tisza Party without a program does nothing else, but rant. By the way, this hateful style is strikingly similar to the era of Stalinism, you just have to pick up a Szabad Nép newspaper from the fifties.

In my opinion, nowadays a meaningful debate between the national and globalist side is no longer possible, because the globalist side consciously uses the weapon of incitement of hatred instead of arguments. As a result, the culture of political debate in Hungary has essentially ceased to exist. Since hate is a psychological weapon similar to passion, an emotionally based, passionate response cannot be successful against it, because it only fuels the fire.

Those living in the bubble of hatred can only be freed by patient, enlightening work based on unassailable facts, which is very difficult communication work.

For the sake of clarity, the indicators that are the most important from the point of view of the economy and society must be developed, and these must be presented on an understandable diagram starting in 2004. These diagrams should illustrate where the ship of the nation started and where it is going. That is why the 2004 launch is necessary. Because the direction of the processes is the point, and not the current state of the indicators. A detailed explanation of this is beyond the scope of this paper. In addition to the above, it is also necessary to neutralize the other "nuclear bomb" of the globalist opposition, the charge of systemic corruption, if only because the EU is partially withholding EU funds due to this charge. The question must be asked, if "they steal everything" , then what did it take to liquidate the Gyurcsány heritage? Without the need for completeness: to repay the loan of 20 billion euros taken out, to consolidate the finances of municipalities and hospitals, to buy back public utilities, to spend 800 billion forints of Hungarian taxpayers' money on border protection in the south, to obtain a high share of ownership in the banking sector and in the operation of Ferenc Liszt Airport? Furthermore, for the restoration of Budapest's World War II destruction, the city park program, the national castle restoration programs, the free textbooks, the almost free school meals and the unique family support system in the world? That's all I could think of. These have either been forgotten, or the youth who are growing up and reaching voting age have not even heard of some of the things listed, they take them for granted. Furthermore, the globalist opposition must also be confronted with the fact that when they took power in Budapest and several big cities five years ago, they promised to inspect all contracts. This obviously happened, but I have not heard of a complaint. And without proof, the "systemic corruption" is just slander. This is supported by the World Bank's corruption list, according to which the corruption rate in Hungary is only 1.2%, one of the lowest in the EU. This fact must be brought to the public consciousness and to Brussels!

I am not a communication specialist, but I would like to point out the following.

The globalist opposition and the huge mass of passive voters are not a homogeneous mass.

Convincing the uneducated, residual voter base of the Democratic Coalition is a hopeless undertaking. In my opinion, a large part of the young, educated and entrepreneurial crowd in the voting camp of the Tisza Party could be won over if they realized that they too would be the losers of the globalist forces coming to power, both financially in the short term and in terms of their future. They just have to look around the West. It is pure mathematics when the single-handed indigenous population will be replaced by Muslims raising 4-6 children. Young people, do you want this future? It would also be good to convey to them the basic principle that, according to the testimony of history, no country or empire can survive permanently in the absence of a solid moral order. The approximately two and a half million passive voters are the "black horse" in politics. What if Péter Magyar could mobilize a third of this layer with demagoguery? To avoid this, a serious survey should be conducted in this round as to why they withdrew from politics. This information is a basic condition for winning them over. In this brutal war of disinformation, much more effective government communication is needed, corresponding to the technical standards of the time and well-targeted.

If we are sitting on our laurels, the "Warsaw fast" can also come to us!


Pál Bartha ny. forest engineer
