It's here! It's here! Let us follow him, the true prophet! Let's follow him with confidence, because he holds the truth and the beer can in his hands. Here he is, the noble, generous warrior, who goes to the dragon with just beer! Hosanna to you, Petrovich!

I will not write down the person's original name, because it amounts to sacrilege. He goes by many different names, he has been Peti the clown, flood clown, Hungarian messiah and bug Peti, football player's wife, Vargáné, but I prefer the name Pyotr Vengerský or even Petrovich Vengerský. Just as Mr. Vanek made a mistake in the 14 carat car.

Mr. Vanek tended to forget who he should call himself when he replaced Ivan Gorchev in the Legion. This is how it happened that when he politely raised his cap in front of a colonel, to his astonishment, and modestly asked the "Lieutenant-in-Chief" where he could find the crew quarters, this dialogue took place between them:

"- Who are you? asked the colonel, still shocked.

"I'm a new employee at the defense force, please." I have a name... I have a name: it is Petrovich.”

Well, our Petrovich is not what he says he is either.

Because he is a hero at his best. He bullied his wife with death-defying courage, betrayed the party family from which he drew an unfairly low monthly allowance of barely a few million and did nothing in return, and who shamelessly defiled those whom he had worshiped until then. At least this is what the corrupt dictatorship tries to portray this holy man as.

The truth, on the other hand, is obvious. He was not violent with his wife, he only attacked her, just because a fly landed on her and he wanted to drive her away. It is not known whether the fly is about his wife or his wife is about the fly, but the difference is negligible anyway. It is the indisputable good will.

Betrayal? It's out of the question. After all, he said, he tolerated being bathed in milk and butter only with deep disgust and struggling with acute nausea for years, it was embarrassing for him that they forced all kinds of well-paying jobs on him, and he voted for the government party, hating it only out of consideration for his son. It is quite clear that even at the parties celebrating the election victories, he only apparently raged obliviously, but in fact he found it all repulsive.

But the sense of justice was awakened in our Petrovich, he was almost stung by the realization that after his wife left her post and with that his greasy jobs also ended, this evil hybrid dictatorship (may it mean anything, but it probably means nothing), the seven-headed ner-dragon only he, the uncorrupted, virginal knight, must crush it.

Petrovich drew a sword, or rather a secretly recorded conversation, which then made the beast run and flee. The dragon has been running away ever since, because he is afraid of Knight Petrovich. This is not yet visible, but it is still there.

Who else escapes?

Well Mr. Árvíz! As soon as Petrovich, the flood ominous, appeared on the embankments and took his hand - not the shovel, it happened only once and by chance in front of the photographer's eyes - so he took control, he immediately saw that nothing was good here and nobody was doing anything. He also made a video of this, one in which he tried to stop the shoveling older man. But the lie is that because he disturbed the recording with his noise, there is no question about it. He did it for environmental reasons, because after the price is deducted, the sandbags become hazardous waste, so the less they fill with sand, the less pollution there is.

To prove my point, I have to refer to the picture of the shoveler again. Do you see even a grain of sand on it? Why not? Because his majesty Petrovich did not shovel sand, but clean Danube air into the bag! Come on, that's the truth! And if you want to know, he can even build castles in the air, yes!

It is also thanks to Petrovic that the price wave moved down the Danube faster than expected. The mass of water fled screaming at the sight of Petrovich, so that's it! Everyone should see this!

Petrovich was the first lad at the dam,

only a little later than the Prime Minister, the President of the Republic, the soldiers, emergency responders and volunteers. And immediately he saw that they were not there. Where he is, they are not there, and because our hero leader is there at every milepost, but does not see the others, then they are not there, period!

This Petrovic is the treasure of the nation! He directed the defense hand in hand with the Prime Minister in such a way that he did not even have to direct it (no one would have listened to him), his presence proved to be sufficient. And voilà, everything went flawlessly and without any obstacles! Isn't he a wonderful man? Isn't it...

In other ways, he is the savior of the nation, the possessor of true words. He is like Uncle Besenyő Pista, who is always right. He was right when he started for the dam, when he arrived, and every step of the way afterward. As Mr. Besenyő said: No? But. I'm right again.

He is also right in refusing to argue with the prime minister's political director, even though he is Orbán, but not Viktor. This wonderful man only stands with a politician of his equal. Unfortunately, it has not yet been possible to find such a person, after all, the person who has no influence should be a politician outside the parliament. It's a tough case, it's true.

What else does Petrovich know?

For example, remote thought transmission. He does not need to go to Brussels in order to work there, he telepathically tells his party colleagues what to do, and they do it. For example, they point out how important this Petrovich, the flood villain, is. Without him, the whole country would have been flooded.

Well, he would bring it to you, Petrovich! What would we be without you?

To a normal country.

Author: György Tóth Jr

Cover photo: Tisza Party Facebook