Hungary was able to win the decade left behind us and is capable of winning the next one as well - stated Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in the morning program of Kossuth Rádió.

This time, the prime minister appeared from a special location, a temporary studio near the city of Ohrid in North Macedonia, where the meeting and discussion of the governments of the two countries is taking place. Viktor Orbán named three reasons why he is here. One of them is that, as the successive president of the Union, Hungary is trying to settle the dispute between Bulgaria and North Macedonia, since the Bulgarians are currently blocking the host country's EU accession process.

On the other hand, stopping illegal migration is also an important common cause, and our country has helped the country's border protection so far. The third reason is that an important trade route leads through North Macedonia to Greek ports, and it is in our interest to maintain and develop good trade relations.

The Prime Minister once again drew attention to the danger of blocking, which our country must avoid.

"The world is being torn into blocks, and Hungary must protect it. There will be a Western and an Eastern world economy and we have to choose which side of the world our country will belong to. We cannot join either bloc, it is in our interest to have a deep relationship with both blocs," said the Prime Minister.

The danger of blocking can be avoided by maintaining a mutually beneficial relationship with everyone and

"let's only take from the West and the East what is useful and reasonable, let's reject all pressure that harms the country's future".

Viktor Orbán then spoke about our domestic affairs. He considered it important to emphasize the introduction of the employee loan, which is part of the government's important family policy. The amount of the family allowance should be doubled and small and medium-sized businesses should be helped with preferential lending. If these measures are taken at the right time and to the right extent, we can even achieve economic growth of 3-6 percent. In this, we still belong to the forefront of the Union, but we want to achieve more.

It was also about European competitiveness. He mentioned that there are serious discussions on this issue, but we can hope that

by the end of the year, under the Hungarian presidency, we will manage to get a joint competitiveness pact accepted.

Speaking about illegal immigration and the horrible fines that hit our country, Viktor Orbán said: Tell the truth and your head will be taken off. He mentioned the case of Matteo Salvini as an example, who is being tried to be sent to prison because he spoke out against migration. At the same time, more and more countries are realizing that unwanted guests must be kept outside the EU borders.

"We have only one chance for a better future: if we don't let illegal migrants into their continent," declared Viktor Orbán.

You can watch the entire interview in the video below.

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