Faina Szavenkova, a young writer and playwright from Lugansk, is a student who was previously included in the database of the Ukrainian website "Beketeremtő (Mirotvorec)". Don't let the name fool you.

Mirotvorec keeps a list of who they think are Unrajna's enemies. Viktor Orbán and Péter Szijjártó are also included in this list, but Zsolt Bayer is "honorably" listed along with them. So

the little Russian girl is actually on a death list.

Savenkova told RIA Novosty about her appeal to the head of European Union diplomacy, Josep Borrell.

“Good day, Mr. Borrell! My name is Faina Savenkova, I am a teenager from Luhansk. A city that Ukraine is bombarding with weapons supplied by Western countries and the European Union. We are currently on the Promenade of Angels in Luhansk.

The number of dead children is increasing every day, thanks to you, Mr. Borrell”

Savenkova writes in the call.

In her message, the student draws Borrell's attention to the fact that she herself is responsible for the deaths of civilians, Russian and Ukrainian soldiers, since weapons supplied by the West kill.

“Having lived for 10 years in my homeland, in the Donbas, under Ukrainian shelling, I have the right to say personally that you are also to blame for what is happening... They do not feel sorry for the Russians, the thousands of dead Ukrainians, or the Europeans. When this fratricidal war is over, the Western politicians who started and supported this massacre will definitely be punished," Savenkova assured.

He emphasized that Europe is only pushing the world into a big war with arms deliveries, and

Ukraine is not a victim, but an organizer of this conflict, in which NATO is also involved.

"You know very well that Europe will not survive the third world war, but with arms deliveries and high-flying words about the confrontation with Russia, they are leading to a big war... Ukraine is not a victim, but the organizer of the conflict, in which NATO is also a participant," emphasized the Luhansk-based girl.

In the spring of 2021, Szavenkova, then 12 years old, recorded a video message to the members of the UN Security Council, in which she called on the organization not to forget that the children of Donbass have the right to childhood and a peaceful life. In the autumn of the same year, the scandalous Ukrainian website "Peacemaker" added the little girl to its list. Later, Szavenkova appealed several times to various international organizations to stop firing in Donbass.

Source: Magyar Hírlap/civilek.info

Cover image: Facebook/Faina Savenkova