Civil organizations and individuals are asking the competent Hungarian and European Union decision-makers to set aside their political interests and free up the community resources that belong to Hungary in order to make the promised salary increase available for teachers, the Three Kings, Three Kings Movement announced.

The goal of the signature collection, initiated by the Three Kings, Three Kings Movement, with the participation and support of six other NGOs, is to use the power of the public to draw the attention of decision-makers to the importance of education and the future of Hungarian youth.

As they say, from the point of view of the children's present and future, securing EU funds cannot be a political-strategic issue.

"We believe in the constructive power of social cohesion, in families, in public education, in our teachers and in the supportive judgment of decision-makers"

- reads the invitation.

Seven non-governmental organizations involved in shaping family attitudes came together to collect signatures: the Three Kings, Three Kings Foundation, the Young Families Club, the National Association of Large Families, the Men's Club, the One-Parent Center, the Hungarian Women's Union Association and the Association of Family Organizations of the Carpathian Basin .

The collection of signatures is available on a


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