A smart American economics professor once stated that he had never failed a student, but recently failed an entire class.

Why? Because the class insisted that Obama's social program was working very well. He will no longer be poor or rich, in fact everyone will live and feel on an equal footing.

The professor said, ok, let's try the plan and see who is right. From today, we will just add up everyone's grades and everyone will get an average grade at the end. Good? So we'll see who's right in the end. Everyone in the class agreed. The best grade will be 5 and the worst grade will be 1.

After the first test, everyone got a 4 . So those who knew, because they studied a lot, complained, but those who studied less were happy with the grade.

On the occasion of the second test, the students who studied little in the first case learned even less, and those who studied a lot the first time, thought that then why should they try and they also learned less. Thus, the result of the second test was only a sufficient 2.

After the third test, everyone was unhappy because everyone studied less and everyone blamed the others for the low results. So no one was satisfied and everyone failed.

Then the professor told them that socialism is based on the same thing and will fail because of that. Because if the reward is big enough, the effort to be successful is also greater. But if a government takes away the reward from those who strive so that the lazy can do well, no one will be upset if he gets less.

Here are 5 more very instructive sentences:

1. You cannot make the poor successful by robbing the rich.

2. If you get something that you didn't have to work for, someone else probably had to work for it.

3. The government cannot give anything to anyone until it first takes it from someone else.

4. You can't multiply anything by first dividing it.

5. When half of the people think that they don't have to work because the other half supports them anyway, and when the other half realizes that no matter how much they work, the government constantly spends half of their salary on those who do nothing, this the beginning of that nation's downfall.

Sent by: K. Elizabeth

2022plus: This has already "worked" for us once. We know the result. For those who haven't, here's a little taste with the help of the archive recording:

(Cover image source: magyarorszagom.hu)