Speaking at the meeting of the UN Security Council, the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade explained the essence of diplomacy: to negotiate with everyone and, if possible, find joint solutions.

But today, those who think like this are stigmatized, accused, attacked, either politically, financially, legally, sometimes physically. However, it is clear that the transfer of weapons does not lead to peace, but to the extermination of more human lives and more destruction.

The sanctions policy does not bring us closer to peace either, it harms the economy of some European countries more than the Russian economy.

Péter Szijjártó highlighted

the use of the word peace today as a kind of curse word must be stopped.

We must bring back mutual respect in politics and return to the original content of diplomacy, because many people currently think that the essence of diplomacy is that they only talk to those who agree with them 100 percent.

This is not diplomacy, it is not performance. Diplomacy is talking to everyone, and even if we disagree, we try to understand the other and try to find a common denominator even on difficult issues. If we succeed in this, we will find the way to peace.

This is necessary because Hungary does not want to spend another thousand days in the shadow of war.

Source: Facebook/Péter Szijjártó

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