In accordance with the traditions of the Democratic Coalition, Ferenc Gyurcsány held a political season opening press conference before the fall parliamentary session. It was a shame.

According to Ferenc Gyurcsány, "Viktor Orbán wants to make Hungary a slave state of Russia. "In this situation, self-conscious and patriotic behavior and politics are needed against treason and the treacherous government. This is the job of every Hungarian patriot. Regardless of whether you are left-wing or right-wing, regardless of whether you are at the beginning of your adulthood or face the idea of ​​selling your country with a mature head, regardless of what we think about a number of things in the world, because there is only one home, and that is Hungary".

Well, that's interesting. So the fact that the Prime Minister does not jump at Putin's throat for Hungary's undeniable economic interests is servitude, treason. Unlike, of course, what b. his wife graduates in Brussels. If he fights tooth and nail to take away the resources that belong to the Hungarians, it is certainly a manifestation of ardent patriotism.

It is not strange, not even a little, that Fletó, when he was still making his country happy as prime minister, welcomed the same Russian leader with brotherly love, even in his own home. Did the Russian president also visit Viktor Orbán's family? Isn't it. So who is Putin's servant?

About brother Ferenc's patriotism, just this: who said that if you don't like it, you can leave here?

A true patriot who would send the citizens away.  

He spoke a few more stupid things, for example he announced a coalition again, while he could already see how effective the all-opposition action was. But we know that one of the hallmarks of insanity is that the affected person does the same thing over and over again, but expects a different result.

Hurray, here we go again with the miracle weapon, on the way to another two-thirds of Fidesz!

It is natural that the man who led the country to the brink of economic collapse and thereby proved that if there is something he does not understand, it is the economy, well, of course, he wisely commented on the program of economic neutrality. He sees it, because his insight is legendary, that it is a program of secession from the West, a program of secession from Europe.

So if we trade not only with the EU countries, but with everyone, if this is our interest, it is secession.

Until now, I knew that if I gave each of my grandchildren a piece of chocolate in exchange for a big kiss, it did not mean that I would "separate" from one of them. Fletó calculated something wrong again, of course, if you have no idea what the largest prime number is, you should not count too much.

In the end, Ferenc Gyurcsány did not forget his sacred duty, nor the attack on the churches. In connection with church-related sexual crimes committed against children, he advocated that the Hungarian Parliament set up an independent commission of inquiry to investigate these cases. "Christianity is about love and not sin," he added.

He only knows what Christianity is about, since he often swears. A devout Catholic or what. We have not yet heard from him that investigation committees should be set up to investigate the pedophile-like manifestations in some of the municipalities of the DK.

It is true that now they have more important things to do, for example to stand up for their politicians who were detained in suspected cases of corruption. Of course, there are no such cases, only the government's political attacks.

Or was the usual corruption left out of the season opening speech precisely because it would have raised embarrassing questions? Come on, because something like this cannot happen on the Ballibs side even if it does.

Brother Ferenc, it would have been better if you had not opened the political year this year.

Author: Jr. György Tóth

Cover image: MTI/Tamás Kovács