The free school laptop program continues. Thousands of children get free notebooks or laptops.

"Viktor Orbán's government is committed to the service state. In practice, this means that we pay attention to people, we ask for their opinion before we make decisions, we help Hungarian families achieve their goals and make everyday life easier," said Zsolt Nyitrai, chief adviser to the prime minister.

"That's why we started the Care program for pensioners, why we organize a summer camp for children with diabetes, and why we give laptops to teachers and students in schools. The citizens of Hungary can count on us"

- said Zsolt Nyitrai, the chief adviser of the mini mechanic, in a video shared on his social media page.

Bence Rétvári also had his thoughts on what was said:

"In recent years, more than 450,000 laptops have been requested and received by families. Since then, children can use these in everyday learning, writing lessons, or even browsing the smart portal.

This year, this program will continue, more than a hundred thousand more laptops will be given to Hungarian students free of charge."

Zoltán Maruzsa, the state secretary responsible for public education, explained the information about the notebook application.

"Since the child is still a minor, the parent or guardian can submit the application until October 7. To do this, you need to enter the chalk system of your child's school, there you have to select the menu item Request equipment or Equipment management. It is important that the data of the parent, not the child, must be entered in accordance with the information contained in the identity card, and then by clicking on the submit registration button, we are ready."

Source: Facebook

Cover image: Social page of Sándor Farkas