Péter Magyar said that he will only go to the EP election debate on public TV if it is broadcast live and in prime time. That's how it will be, Magyar will back out of it, but the president of Momentum did not leave this without a word.

On May 30, from 8:00 p.m., the European Parliament election debate between the list leaders will be held in the Várkert Bazaar. The 100-minute debate will be held on the spot without spectators, and the two moderators will be Tünde Volf-Nagy and Balázs Németh. The leaders of the list can contribute to the discussion in the form of 5 comments for a period of 8 minutes.

In the first round, everyone will have one minute to introduce themselves, and then they can express their opinions on three topics.

In a letter sent to organizations interested in the debate, the MTVA predicted that if someone exceeds the time frame, the speaker's voice will be muted. The topics of the debate: protection and security of the European Union, migration/asylum, agriculture and/or democracy and the rule of law (in the third topic, the speaker can choose between these two topics).

There are no more secrets, MTVA presented the details of the EP election debate

Although the election debate is broadcast live on public television in prime time, Péter Magyar, who advocated it, withdraws from the debate. This is indicated by his recent Facebook post, in which he indicated that a debate cannot be held under the given conditions.

In his post, he also objected to having to debate in the company of "zero percent parties",

then he explained that he did not want to discuss the topics that were given by the public television. In the post, Péter Magyar called on the representatives of the parties invited to the debate to join the call of the Tisza Party, which wants a real political debate. It is not the first time Magyar has backed out of the debate.

It used to be that he would sit down to debate with Gábor Vona, the president of the Second Reform Era, but later backed out. He did the same when he conspicuously stayed away from the Partizán election debate.

Anna Donáth was hooked

The president of Momentum responded to Magyar's very transparent objections as follows:

"(...) it is still an exaggeration that anyone who is not only willing to debate as, and when, as Péter Magyar wants, declares that he is part of the system...

I will be there at the debate on public TV to tell the Fidesz voters: it is only thanks to Viktor Orbán that the EU funds are not coming to Hungary. That they are unable to stop stealing. That they are not willing to join the European Public Prosecutor's Office.

This is what I recommend to Péter Magyar: come and talk to Fidesz voters watching public television. Tell us how you saw the system work from the inside. Tell us what you think the government is lying about. Tell us what you think about public television's debate organizing process.

Don't argue about the terms of the debate, but finally take part in an EP list leader debate!

And be there for the other discussions as well. Because debate is a democratic minimum. It's not a favor or an opportunity, but something we owe the voters."

Sources: Index/Facebook

Featured image: YouTube / Szilárd Koszticsák / MTI