The representative group Patriots for Europe of the European Parliament filed a lawsuit with the Court of Justice of the European Union asking it to annul the decisions made in the specialized committees of the European Parliament, which exclude the members of the faction from all the positions of responsibility, president and vice president held in the committees, the representative group informed.

According to the statement posted on social media, Patriots for Europe wants the results of the democratically held elections in the member states to be reflected in all the leading bodies of the European Parliament without discrimination. "No more, no less," they said.

It was pointed out that

the patriots are the third largest representative group in the European Parliament, but unlike the much smaller factions, they did not receive a single parliamentary vice-president or quaestor, or committee president or vice-president.

The application of total exclusion violates several articles of the European Parliament's rules of procedure, namely Article 34, according to which at the beginning of the parliamentary term the Conference of Presidents, acting as the house committee of the EU Parliament, must strive to agree on procedures that reflect the institution's political diversity, they called attention.

According to Article 219 of the EP, the diversity of the European Parliament must also be reflected in the specialized committees and delegations, in the decision-making bodies, as well as in the composition of the presidency of each specialized committee, they reminded.

The decision to automatically and systematically exclude members of the EU Parliament from all positions of responsibility simply because of their political opinion and because they belong to the Patriots for Europe group violates, among other things, Article 10 of the Treaty on European Union and Article 21 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights they announced

"The discriminatory nature of the decisions violates the principle that all representatives of the EU Parliament can fully exercise the mandate they received from the voters," they said.


Cover photo: Jorge Buxadé Villalba, MEP of the Spanish Vox party, Tom Vandendriessche, MEP of the Belgian Flemish Interests, Jean-Paul Garraud, MEP of the French National Consolidation, president of the Patriots for Europe faction, Gál Kinga, Fidesz The chairman of the KDNP European Parliament representative group, the first vice-chairman of the Patriots for Europe faction, Paolo Borchia, the Italian Lega MEP, António Tanger Correa, the Portuguese Chega MEP and Harald Vilimsky, the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) European Parliament leader (bj) At the press conference of the Patriots for Europe faction in Strasbourg on September 17, 2024.
MTI/Tamás Purger