The series not only saved value, but also conveyed Hungarian culture in Hungary and abroad in a modern form.

The Hungarian folk tales cartoon series continues with thirteen episodes; the new parts are expected to be completed by 2025, Kecskemétfilm Kft. announced.

The selection of the thirteen new episodes was started by Marcell Jankovics and Ferenc Mikulás, later ethnographer Gábor Tóth joined the work. Marcell Jankovics, who died in the meantime, was replaced by Lajos Csákovics, who worked with Marcell Jankovics as co-director in the Toldi series. The series director involved other screenwriters and directors in the work, so Péter Bogyó, Krisztián Király and Zsolt Maticska also participate in the new episodes.

In addition to the scripts, the audio recordings were also completed with the participation of many actors. The work was supported by the National Film Institute and the National Cultural Fund.

It is expected that viewers will be able to meet the new Hungarian folk tales on television in 2025.

Lajos Csákovics said that with the upcoming episodes, they will return to the simpler style of the first two or three seasons, because later on the visuals became more and more ornate. This time, they aimed for a somewhat more puritanical look,

"but in its mood it will definitely bring the classic, which is why everyone loves the Hungarian folktales series"

he said.

The series of Hungarian folk tales produced in Kecskemét has become a real cultural treasure, several generations have grown up on these tales. The stories are real family tales, which are perfectly suitable for bringing the Hungarian folktale tradition closer to children. Although in real life things don't always happen according to the happy ending of fairy tales, the testimonies, educational and educational effect of folk tales, and of course the joy of reading, provide great relaxation for people of all ages. 

A total of 100 episodes of the cartoon series Magyar népmesék, which was declared Hungarian in October 2020, were produced in the Kecskemét cartoon studio between 1976 and 2011.

Ferenc Mikulás was the originator and producer of the film series, the visual concept was created by Marcell Jankovics. For the sake of variety, many creators participated in the work, the leading directors of the series were Marcell Jankovics and Mária Horváth and Lajos Nagy. The musical background - using folk songs - was created by the ensemble Kaláka. The stories were told in the voices of folk storytellers and famous actors, but mostly the organ of Gyula Szabó was intertwined with Hungarian folk tales.

As they say, generations grew up on the series,

"not only has it saved value, but it conveys Hungarian culture in a modern form in Hungary and abroad".

In September, folktale screenings were organized in Nagyvárad and Margitta, Túrkev, Mikepércs and the Hungarian Hunting Museum at the Hungarian Hunting Museum, an exhibition of images from the series was opened in Berettyóújfalu, and a course entitled Fairy Tale Competences was organized at János Neumann University in Kecskemét.

According to the announcement, the series Gygánymesék is nearing completion at the Kecskemétfilm studio, as the 3D team is working on the last episodes, and they are already preparing the continuation of the series A Négyszögletű Kerek Erdő based on the well-known novel by Ervin Lázár, the first four episodes of which have already been completed.

