The Hungarian economy must grow by 3-6 percent on the basis of economic neutrality, said the Government Information.

Unfortunately, we see that Brussels and Western Europe are declaring a trade cold war - said Gergely Gulyás Gulyás at the Government Information held in Geszt, who announced that perhaps the record-long three-day government session will end soon.

According to the minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office, this entails extraordinary dangers for Hungary. The Hungarian economy is an export-led economy, and such a trade cold war cuts us off from markets and investment opportunities. According to Gergely Gulyás, economic growth would be helped by affordable housing, maintaining wage growth, and enabling small and medium-sized enterprises to scale up.

According to Gulyás, the main topic of the postponed government meeting was robust economic recovery, because the economic situation has changed.

He repeated what Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had already said. Namely, that it is necessary to stay out of the trade cold war and achieve 3-6 percent growth of the Hungarian economy based on economic neutrality.

If we can achieve this growth, it will in itself have a good effect on salaries, said the minister, who added: it also has a good effect on budget revenues, and we can say that it proves the success of the economic policy implemented by this government as an answer in this new situation.

There were some that had already been announced: such as the employee loan, such as the capital allowance for small and medium-sized enterprises, but also such is the doubling of the family tax allowance.

According to Gergely Gulyás, economic growth would be helped by affordable housing, maintaining wage growth, and enabling small and medium-sized enterprises to scale up. In terms of housing, the minister talked about the expansion of dormitories and the fact that the economy minister will examine the international practice of rent regulation.

Accelerating housing construction and ensuring affordable housing will be a priority task of the government in the next two years.

The minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office also touched on wage increases. He said that the government would like employers and employees to enter into a multi-year wage agreement, which would allow for a rapid increase in the minimum wage and the guaranteed minimum wage and, as a result, the average wage.

In the case of small and medium-sized enterprises, they want to ensure the possibility of a large-scale improvement in the next two years, therefore, in addition to the capital grant, additional incentives will be introduced.

Government spokesperson Eszter Vitályos spoke about the government's launch of the digital citizenship program, with which everyone can now identify themselves on a mobile phone, and it is also possible to conduct business with the new application. 176,000 people have already downloaded it, and I want to reach 400,000 by the end of the year. The government spokesperson also talked about the investments that have been made.

Among the most important ones, he mentioned that 3.6 billion forints were spent on the construction of kindergartens and nurseries, as well as renovations.

Eszter Vitályos highlighted the full-scale external and internal renovation and development of the Eger basilica, covering all disciplines, which was realized with HUF 6 billion. And in Kecskemét, the Kodály Institute was renewed within the framework of the Modern Cities Program, the government spokesperson said.


Cover photo: Gergely Gulyás, the minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office, and Eszter Vitályos, government spokesperson, at the Kormányinfo press conference at the government meeting held in Gest on October 3, 2024.
Source: MTI/Zsolt Czeglédi