Péter Magyar is the prototype of villains, a living refutation of the theory that people are born inherently good.

III. Péter stands in the sunshine of Buda, or runs away with nimble legs in the Ötker to the lute music, and to pass the time chatting, he decided to become a villain. Or... Or he didn't have to decide that way, because he was the eo ipso villain, the prototype of villains, his indelible Zsiguli, a living refutation of the theory that people are born inherently good.

He started by trampling other children's sand castles, and when they told him, he had a hysterical attack, he constantly betrayed the kindergarten teacher, everyone hated him like a hair in a pocket, but they smiled at him forcedly and awkwardly, because he had to smile, and ever since he can remember, no one hated him more than he hated himself, and from this sick self-hatred eventually grew narcissistic self-worship and chronic, constant, sick lying, as well as aggression, which is always directed against the weaker, primarily women.

In better, more elegant, manly, and edgy times, this kind of thing was cleaned up in time.

In worse, unmanly, introverted, introverted times, such people roam the public spaces, and for a while they make people believe that they are someone.

They who are eo ipso villains.

This is it now.

This is III. Peter's moment. I. (Jacob) and II. (Márki-Zay) This one also arrived after Péter. The man who wasn't even there. Who was never there, nowhere.

• He was not there when he tortured and terrorized his wife.

• He wasn't there when the ambulance was called because he was playing suicide.

• He wasn't there when he played the same game with his girlfriend that he used to play with his wife.

• He was not there when he entered the Ötker, where he performed the Grand King, insulted naked girls, hit a person, then took his phone and threw it into the Danube.

• He was not there when he declared that he would not become a politician.

• He was not there when he declared that he would not go to Brussels or take up his mandate as an EP representative.

• He wasn't there when he announced that the immunity was bullshit and he was going to abolish it.

• He wasn't there when he talked loudly about how the EP representation is the biggest fake job in the world.

• He was not there when he explained that Fidesz MEPs do not come to their workplaces.

• He wasn't there when he vowed that he would always come in, he who, right, doesn't even take up his mandate.

• He wasn't there even when he didn't come in.

He is not there when he lies constantly and constantly and always, when an obviously much smaller Hungarian pout is speaking out of his head. He wasn't there when he posed with his ex-wife in various VIP boxes. He was not there when, now as a "politician", he explained that, unlike others, he never sat in the VIP boxes, but always among the people.

And he was not there among the people.

He was not there when Estonia was distributed. At that time, he was standing in line for honor, but before he was about to take his turn, the curtain was pulled down. Then he ran to the line of decency, but his successor had already sold out, he ran to Puzsér with the last, folded-and-folded pack, but he fell in the mud, and even that last, no small piece, became dirty.

There was no III. Poor Péter missed the distribution of faith and loyalty (fides) as well.

Now think about it, this is how he was forced to come into the world.

He became the sly baby who bawled to feel sorry for himself, then went into the Partisan to smile and grow nails and teeth. (Sorry, Attila...) And maybe it's time to enlighten your child that illegals are people; the witches, kofás, Magyar Péterek and kasoks: cheesy dogs are not wolves! (Attila, a thousand apologies again...)

And don't forget the most important thing at the end of the inventory! Do you know where the cheesy dog ​​hasn't been? At the head of the Student Loan Center. But then really, never. At least not when extremely interesting contracts were signed there, and all of them bear his signature. But it wasn't him, he didn't sign it, it was Péter Magyar, who was much younger than him, and he was kneaded from a kula. His avatar.

Because he wasn't there when he paid millions for free material on the internet.

He wasn't there when he paid millions for "studies" that were completely uninteresting and irrelevant and nobody cared.

He was not there when the contract date was December 23rd and the deadline for performance was December 27th. He couldn't have been there, since he was celebrating Christmas with his loving family, and the party in the contract fulfilled Christmas Eve, obviously.

But he wasn't there.

And it is a mere coincidence that those who were contracting parties in the contracts he signed and paid the millions, are now slandering themselves in such and such leading positions of the Tisza Party.

But he can't do that.

He wasn't even there.

He is someone who was never and is not there, anywhere.

And the one who does everything that he then accuses others of without batting an eye.

He was only there once. Then, when, after the small party of five, Péterke Magyar, who was much smaller than him, and who always used to talk out of his mouth, suddenly moved to the back half and sat on his pants to breathe.

Then Peti was there, and suddenly, as in a flash, it became clear with sharp contours how much the two of them were of the same essence.

But it was only a fleeting moment.

He hasn't been anywhere since then.

Next time, he will probably be found at a demonstration in front of the TV, with a pickaxe in one hand and an ax in the other. But if something were to happen, it would turn out that he wasn't even there. How could he be there when he had urgent business in Brussels at the time.

This is Peter. That's Peter. And Péter Magyar, who is also much smaller than him, kneaded from a kula, who speaks out of his head, and with whom he is of the same essence. If someone sees them, grab them immediately and fasten them to some surface, otherwise the much-awaited revolution will be missed. Because this person, who has never been there, cannot even explode the much-awaited revolution, since he is not there. How could it be, when he is just announcing that he will not become a politician. Also, that it doesn't go out... Or...

And now we could start all over again, but we don't feel like it. We prefer to keep quiet as they mumble a new tale, fascist communism. With a pickaxe and an axe.

After all, these two, Peti and Péter Magyar, who is kneaded from the kula, love nothing more than the vain pleasures of this age...

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Péter Magyar, vice-president of the Tisza Party, at the party's event at the MOM Sport event center in Budapest on July 6, 2024. MTI/Robert Hegedüs