Péter Jakab hit the floor - only Gyurcsány is more unpopular than the leader of Jobbik

Only Gyurcsány is more unpopular than Jakab - this is the title of the Nézőpont Intézet's latest research based on the Magyar Nemzet article. In their analysis sent to the newspaper, they point out that the popularity of Péter Jakab, the president of Jobbik, which is about to be reformed, is one of the lowest on the left.

Saturday's party event is also overshadowed by the sexual harassment scandal.

Only less than a quarter of active voters (23 percent) would like to see the politician, who is in his second year as party chairman, in an important position, with only Ferenc Gyurcsány's supporters in a smaller proportion. The majority of active voters rejects each investigated opposition leader, reads the summary of the Nézőpont Institute.

They add that Ferenc Gyurcsány is still the most unpopular politician, only ten percent of voters would entrust him with a responsible position, while more than eight times as many would not consider it desirable (85 percent). Péter Jakab follows him in the ranking of those with the least support with 23 percent. 62 percent of active voters do not want to see Jakab in an important position. It is worth noting that in the month of March, before the election, his popularity was still four percentage points higher, and his rejection has also increased by seven percentage points since then, reads Nezőpont's analysis.

Nevertheless, it is not only Péter Jakab who is unpopular: Jobbik's support has also eroded significantly since the election four years ago. While twenty percent of voters supported the party in 2018, according to research by the Nézőpont Institute, Jobbik would currently gain three percent in a parliamentary election "this Sunday".

The popularity of other leading politicians of the left was also examined, and as written; The support of Péter Márki-Zay and Anna Donáth is the same, both politicians would be supported by 24 percent of the voters, but the difference in their rejection and popularity is significant. Seventy percent of the respondents would not entrust the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely with a responsible political position, while 42 percent of the respondents would not trust the president of Momentum.

Gergely Karácsony, who is leaving Párbeszéd, is the most popular among the examined left-wing leaders (32 percent), while those who disapprove of him are almost twice as many (60 percent) as his supporters.

Source: mandiner.hu

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