We are waiting for the news, to see if the plan is already being prepared in educational institutions in Sweden, how to name a school after the corrupt savior of the EU, Eva Kaili, and to teach her illegal money-making in schools with the help of educational films. Written by Katalin Kondor.

Yes, we have come into fashion, unfortunately not this time in the way we would like or deserve, for example thanks to our steadfast support for peace, or precisely because of our efforts to support and promote the order of nature.

No. Precisely because of our mentioned principles, we are referred to with a negative sign by the increasingly incomprehensible Swedes and other EU scumbags, and we are forced to try to tolerate the ever-increasing lies.

It is enough if we only think about the Swedish "attack" that appeared in the past few days, when over there, in rich Sweden, they started to "teach" elementary school children about how sad Hungarian life is, because we don't have freedom of the press, but there is a dictatorship, disagreeing with the government's opinion is enough and it leads to a straight witch hunt.

It is absolutely blood-curdling even for a Swede - according to the above, a Swede already in elementary school - that the Hungarians educate schoolchildren to love their country. Oh! Father of mercy, don't leave me, what a sin this is in the eyes of a Swede! So it's time to explain to elementary school children what a terrible people the Hungarians are.

Of course, the dignified EU is also trying to educate the next generation, for example, the main corrupt Kaili is now being exonerated, it is possible that the beautiful lady who spends a few days in the luxury prison, but takes it very seriously, will soon become a hero. We are waiting for the news to see if a plan is already being prepared in educational institutions in Sweden, how to name a school after the corrupt savior of the EU, to teach his illegal money-making in schools with the help of educational films.

Then we became fashionable because we have already stated many times and in front of many people - politicians and public Hungarian people who are far from politics - that today our world is entangled in the web of globalization, and the people are trying to be controlled by the machinations of the financial world, just as demography and immigration are serious every day they try to imitate their problems, while they teach that living in a multicultural society is a pleasure (really, how sublime are the murders of priests and the desecration of churches!), and that it is a crime and contempt for anyone who dares to say that everyone is truly happy where he was born where he has his children and his roots, and where he can assert himself in his mother tongue, i.e. in his own country.

We came into fashion also for the reason that we have said many times that we do not want the kind of globalization that they want to hang around our necks at this time, in Hungarian, one that wants to reshape our world and our way of life with cultures that are foreign to us.

Well, so many "sins" were enough to make us fashionable and keep us there. Students of Latin are probably familiar with the saying of the Roman historian and politician Tacitus that "Woe to the people whose history is written by strangers."

Well, the masters of today's world who imagine themselves to be gods certainly seem to want to rewrite the history of the entire world and confuse the peoples. Whistle-shutty, in no time. Among them, of course, is the history of a nation that needs to be tamed, such as the Hungarians.

There have already been attempts to do this, including those in which a famous writer called the Hungarians "genetically inferior", and there have also been incidents where certain scientists, or those who consider themselves to be such, have taken one of the most valuable chronicles of the Hungarian past, the Gesta Hungarorum (so to speak, worn by the Hungarians writing containing his affairs, origins, battles) as a fantastic fiction, and the researchers of our history as half-educated fantasists. We should not be surprised, then, to find that the fashion for "rewriting" history is eternal.

Just at a conference about our history - a few decades ago - I heard from a speaker that in the olden days, at horse races, they put a 20-30 kilo bag on the backs of the excellent stallions before the race, so that they wouldn't beat the much weaker horses. Well, this speaker added to this that the excellences of Hungarians, but also the Hungarian people themselves, have been fighting under the burden of such lead sacks for many decades.

Of course, it is difficult to argue with this when we can experience daily that the world lives in a sea of ​​lies.

And because truth and facts are of less and less interest to the masters of the world, it is and will be easy for those who want to stun the historically illiterate people by rewriting history. And if we don't want to and can't prevent these intentions, they will certainly rewrite our history and write our destiny as well.

Many believe that this is the hidden goal. There have been attempts and attempts to hide and distort our history on numerous occasions, and there are still today. Many people remember the debate that took place a few years ago in connection with the Battle of Bratislava. We did not teach the history of the Battle of Bratislava, which has been taught for a long time and is still taught at American universities. Hungarian students could not hear much about the actions of our excellent generals.

The Battle of Bratislava, which took place in 907 and ended with the victory of the Hungarians, was then included in history education thanks to enthusiastic historians and artists, but the fact is that in recent years a lot of fighting had to be done for it.

I don't know if today's history books for high school students include the actions of our great generals, in any case, the mentioned Battle of Bratislava was also won in education. Because it highlighted the need to close the gaps. History should not be hidden.

Not just to make Hungary fashionable in a good sense, setting an example (even for the Swedes) that history is the teacher of life, the witness of the times, the light of truth, the living memory, the harbinger of the old days. At least according to Cicero. Whether we learn from it is another matter.

Hungarian Newspaper