As a Hungarian patriot, people's livelihood is important to me even in this crisis period - begins his post the other day on István Ujhelyi's Facebook page.

The concerned patriot writes, among other things:

"Despite the fact that the Hungarian government still prefers to rely on the success propaganda of 'everything is very beautiful, everything is very good', the structural changes of the newly formed Orbán cabinet and some half-sentences of its new leaders make it clear: Fidesz is also fully aware that narrow years are coming, which cannot be covered up with posters and catchy phrases.

In his speeches, the prime minister is already hinting at the end of the utility reduction – which is otherwise known to be unsustainable in its form, and of course looking for a scapegoat and someone responsible to whom he can point. Of course, he found the solution to this again in the most obvious way in the European Union.

Let's not even quote the words of the retired MSZP politician, because after Gyurcsány and the other friends of principle, Ujhelyi also presents himself as a Hungarian patriot. The only problem with this is that if someone is a Hungarian patriot, he doesn't constantly betray his country, he doesn't rail against his own country. Because there is not a single country in the union whose representatives would announce their own country and advocate different procedures against their country. The only exceptions to this are the left-wing Gyurcsányist "Hungarian patriots". They are so shameless that they even want to pin the economic difficulties caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war on the neck of the Prime Minister, even though they have a hand in starting the war and in the arbitrary economic measures of the Union.

Meanwhile, Újhelyi is still worried that ""the country may lose the next years" and the catching up of the previous decade is also in danger."

He criticized the Orbán government's economic measures in the past, and now he is worried that catching up with the previous decade is in danger, while waving at the lean years. Mr. Ujhelyi! In the time of your grandparents and parents, it was indeed a slogan that the seven lean years are coming, which last for ten years, but there is no need to worry. Especially you, as a Hungarian patriot, have nothing to worry about, only those truly Hungarian people who will suffer the consequences of this insanity wrapped in the slogan of democracy. Because you can be sure that the EU Mamelukes of Biden will always have something to grind into the milk.

Opening image: MTI/Attila Kovács