Europe, taken as a whole, has faced a deep moral crisis - respect for the quite a few exceptions. Corrupt politicians preach about corruption from a moral high ground (authentically, because they understand it), people who describe themselves as people of faith fight a furious battle against faith, mothers of seven children defend those who campaign against having children, pro-life advocates call for abortion to be made a human right, and the list could go on and on.

Yes, Europe is like that today, but I find with great relief that the winds here are different. Here, the atheist society does not yet demand the destruction of churches, they do not yet fight for the imprisonment of priests, nuns, rabbis, religious preachers, just to take everything from them. That's something too.

Here, heavily conservative leaders accused of corruption are still being investigated by the authorities and cannot return to their original positions. In the case of left-wing, liberal politicians, the situation is a bit different – ​​quite rightly, bearing in mind the example set by the European Parliament.

If a person operates a network of companies designed for fraud or has demonstrable ties to such formations, at most he can remain an EU representative as a punishment, and even become a member of a committee that investigates the case of corruption in Hungary. Or the one who, as prime minister, led the country to the brink of bankruptcy, as the leader of the opposition, can without blinking an eye tell the truth about the government that pulled Hungary back from the brink of the abyss. Because this is morally right and desirable in today's Europe.

But if all this were not enough for salvation, here we have a standard, a theologian who has risen to a moral hyperheight, an angel with a ball of flame, who mercilessly strikes down the erring ones, knocks them to the ground, destroys those who are not of immaculate morals, who have committed minor or major mistakes .

It doesn't matter how much they regret it, it doesn't even matter if they bear the often excessive consequences of their actions, because the angry angel never forgives.

Unfortunately, this wonderful creature, who came down to us from the heavens under the name of Rita Perintfalvi, has a small disability.

He can only shoot to the right with his pallosa, he cannot swing his weapon to the left in any way.

Well, he also has a small problem with his vision, but he fixes it with a sure hand, pushing aside the beam that would hinder his clear vision.

This Rita of ours with a sharp eye discovers even the smallest deviation of the Christian-conservative side, she immediately notices not only the mote in their eyes, but even a molecular-sized piece of debris, and drives them out of the liberal Bolshevik paradise with the whip of her terrible words.

Perintfalvi's concern now is that Zsolt Borkai (he puts it like this with Christian love: Zsolt Borkai "kur*apecér") might once again fight for the mayor's seat in Győr. Indignantly, he whips Borkai with a fervor worthy of an Amazon, somehow neglecting or even denying the teaching of Christian forgiveness and love. Because this Rita is such a great religious scholar. It marks the former misstep, the taunting of then-mayor Borkai on a luxury yacht, as a sin that can never be forgiven.

It was really ugly, especially towards his family, but Jesus teaches us to accept the prodigal son back into our midst, and to forgive the sins we repent of.

According to the signs, the theologian graduated from Szombathely University of Religion with a lousy second, if she doesn't even know this basic teaching.

But if... Ritácska was only 21 years old at the time, Bill Clinton's little liaison with a lady named Monica Lewinski must have escaped her attention. Billi boy belonged to the same party as the current American presidential parody, Álmos, alias Joe Biden. And he represented the same globalist company as Uncle Joe. In moral heights, the peak of which was the oral room of the White House, where he and Moncsic...

Make no mistake, in 1998 the USA had not yet reached the wonderful enlightened, advanced state that we can say about it today. Then and there, the sanctity of the family was still respected and a sexual adventure was not considered a forgivable sin. Therefore, what could those whom the angel Rita looks up to do?

What did we need to hear? That oral sex is not cheating.

They managed to come up with this so that Billi could keep the presidency (because if it had been a fraud, our man would have denied it under oath, i.e. it should have been said that the president of the USA lied. However, since fraud is not fraud, a lie is not a lie either .).

How does Perintfalvi come here? There was a small case in 2019, around a certain representative - not Christian-conservative - who took strange pictures of his own little whistle. He did not deny the fact, but he did say that he sent the photos to a lady, hoping that she would get to know the body parts shown in the photo more closely. Because he didn't send it and anyway, the thing is slander, that woman doesn't even exist. He didn't bully anyone. The question is, of course, how did the recordings become public? It is unlikely that his wife had anything to do with it.

And what happened?

The showy uncle sued the organizations that published the pictures and commemorated him as a bully, and the court – to the greater glory of the justice system – condemned the organizations.

Pure Clinton case in a nutshell.

What did Rita of Flameball do in the meantime? Guardian of morals? If I remember correctly, he didn't devote a single line to the case, didn't get upset, didn't protest on behalf of women, didn't call the taking of photos that were sent nowhere but still received as an unforgivable sin. Because that would have been a violation of the human dignity of the perpetrator. This is not what Jesus taught! He should know, since he is a theologian or something.

All right, Ritacska, go on, keep it up! Fight against the Christian-conservative errors by whispering your pallos and defend - by silence or even silence - the left-liberal crimes.

After all, one is unforgivable, the other is forgivable. Let's measure with the same standard and judge with different ones.

Comrade Perintfalvi, you really learned a lot from György Sándor: "Equal paths, equal opportunities - I go by bicycle."

Author: György Tóth Jr

Cover photo: Rita Perintfalvi at Budapest Pride / Photo: Rita Perintfalvi's Facebook page