Threatened with prison for border protection, Salvini thanked Viktor Orbán for participating in the League's general meeting on Sunday, along with other patriots.

He emphasized that the current meeting is the thirtieth meeting of the party.

"For the first time, we will have delegations from Hungary, Vienna, Madrid, Prague, and Lisbon with us, and we will also receive messages from Brazil and Paris"

he added. He noted that the presence of the Hungarian Prime Minister proves that "we are getting stronger, and what seemed to be just a dream, that is, the creation of the international patriot movement, has become a reality."

Matteo Salvini said: he called his allies to Pontida because the prosecution asked for a six-year prison sentence for the detention of a civilian ship carrying migrants, which he ordered in 2019 as interior minister.

This is not a game, I risk prison just because I did my duty by protecting the borders. This is a common mission in Europe as well as in America and many other parts of the world: action against illegal immigration and human trafficking is a duty

he declared.

He noted that if a politician who stopped illegal immigration is convicted, it will be a problem not only in Italy but also in Europe:

"from the next day, we will have to open the gates to migrants".

In addition to migration, Matteo Salvini called maintaining peace the most important challenge. He believed:

if the conflict in the Middle East and the war in Ukraine are not stopped, there is a risk of world war.

Since 1990, the League party has been holding its general meeting on the field of Pontida in Lombardy, the party has been led by Matteo Salvini since 2014. On Saturday, representatives of the youth sections of the Patriots for Europe party spoke. On Sunday, among others, Geert Wilders, the president of the Dutch Freedom Party (PVV), Marlene Svazek, the vice-president of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), Jose Antonio Fuster, the spokesperson of the Spanish Vox and Andre Ventura, the leader of the Portuguese Chega, will be present.

The speeches of the youth sections were started by Dóra Hidas, Fidelitas' foreign affairs cabinet leader.

We live in historic times and we, fi

we cannot sit back, the youth organizations of the Patriots for Europe must join forces, we must reach a higher level of organization along the lines of the same opinions

he said.

Dóra Hidas emphasized that the liberals are doing everything they can to wipe out national cultures and allow illegal migrants to enter Europe. "Matteo Salvini is threatened with prison, and Hungary with a heavy fine, because he protects not only the Hungarian but also the European borders," declared Dóra Hidas.

During the speech of Lucca Ruggeri, the representative of the American Republicans, the crowd of young people chanted the name of Donald Trump. "Identity, sovereignty, freedom!" - shouted the young people of the League.

The giant stage "Protecting the borders is not a crime" , where the speech of Viktor Orbán and Matteo Salvini will close the event.


Featured image: MTI