This time, the guest of Monday's Civil Academy, organized by CÖF, CÖKA and the Community of Spiritual Patriots, was Márton Békés, historian, political scientist and editor-in-chief of the Kommentár magazine.

The world, and this is to be understood quite literally, has westernized. Countries with a great culture in the East are critical of westernized modernity, but today they also live like their western counterparts. Perhaps the only exception to this is Islam, although there is a small snag here, a small contradiction that we should be able to resolve. From 2015, Islam wants to completely invade Europe and it does so by rejecting the white man's civilizational roots and religion - what is left of it - but also by rejecting the gender ideology of the progressive left. The beneficiary of the social network – which also comes from the basic value of Christianity – pays its host with terrorist acts out of gratitude.

In Tusványos last year, the Prime Minister said that Western civilization had become a pagan hedonist.

Although the statement is devastating, there is still a small ray of hope in it. Namely, that everything that the West and the atheistic world denies, it does so by denying the Creator and creation. In other words, he measures himself by that, because he has and cannot have anything else to say about man, the world, than to measure himself by that.

Recently, conflicts that were previously hidden, but are now becoming visible, have surfaced. The question is how much compromise is possible in this situation.

Civil Academy-Békés-Márton

Anett Szabó and Márton Békés

In connection with all this, as a guest of the Civil Academy, historian Márton Békés, researcher of the House of Terror Museum, editor-in-chief of political science, said the following:

"It is difficult to answer the question of what constitutes a compromise for Hungarians. Examining the historical horizon, which starts at a hundred years, it can be said that it cannot be. In ordinary cases, there is a playing field, you don't have to act in a rigid way, but you can't give up on the big goal. István Bethlen had a two-volume publication, which had a preface in which he said many lasting things. Among other things, that the first couple of years of his government cycle were about creating political stability, and in the medium term, economic stability had to be created. However, the economic crisis came, after which he had to leave, but he testified that he would never sacrifice short-term interests on the altar of long-term interests. The Orbán government has been talking about the same thing for the past 14 years. First, political stability had to be created with a new constitution, then economic stability, and then the migration crisis caused the Hungarian government's thinking to become a prominent part of foreign policy. "Unfortunately, Bethlen had to resign after ten years, but Viktor Orbán could not be ousted either by the domestic or Brussels opposition, the coronavirus epidemic, the crisis arising from the Russian-Ukrainian war, or the new type of opposition," he added. from Márton Békés.

The interlocutor of the moderator Anett Szabó emphasized that the grand strategy must remain rock solid: this is the program of self-governing Hungary, which means that it determines the direction that the Hungarian government will implement.

What tasks does the transformation of the world order present to Hungary? said the moderator's question.

According to Márton Békés, by the term world system change, he and his colleagues mean that the distribution of international forces and international power is changing. There are economic, political, and even spiritual reasons for this.

When the US thought it had won the Cold War, it thought the Soviet Union was a thing of the past and the United States had become a hegemon. A common mistake of winners is to expect complete transformation from losers, while they, the winners, don't have to change anything.

Civil Academy

Anett Szabó and Márton Békés

"This was the loss of the United States: for a quarter of a century, this attitude worked. However, the world has changed: the United States has declined demographically and spiritually, and the revolution of the colored peoples has matured. The world's most populous country is no longer China, but India, a shift in emphasis began, which occurred in demography, economy, and then also at the level of cultural codes. Today, it is no longer possible to control the world in the way the USA thought," Márton Békés pointed out.

According to the historian, the problem is not the blocking, but the fact that we are not in the right block.

"The world is not a universe, but a pluriverse, and these are organized into blocks, large spaces are formed. There will be a large space from the USA to Germany, an Eastern one, then there will be a large South Asian space, an African or Middle Eastern one and a Latin American one. It won't happen tomorrow, but it will happen. Hungary is in a difficult situation. We are members of the Western alliance system (NATO, EU) of our own free will, but we do not agree with them ideologically. And they expect full identification," he emphasized.

Our separate journey means that we move on a different ideological plane.

We are not alone in this: Poland used to behave this way, now Slovakia is here with us, and the situation of the Italians or the Dutch is somewhat similar to ours. Turkey's situation in NATO is similar to ours. Western structures are important to us, but we must show more interest in the global South.

Márton Békés

Márton Békés at the Civil Academy

"And here we have Central Europe. Not the V4 that the Soros blew up. I am a Hungarian nationalist, I don't need to stick to the V4, I need to turn to Southern Europe, Serbia, Croatia, trust in a change of government in Slovenia, trust in a change of government in Austria. Let this be the system of international cooperation: let's create a system of cooperation in the Carpathian basin in which, despite Trianon, the most populous nation is Hungarian. We have very good opportunities, we can recruit friends. The century-old mission and calling awaits us, this should not be sacrificed", pointed out the guest of the Civil Academy.

Hungary has good vertical relations: with Slovakia, Serbia, North Macedonia. This group of countries wants to follow its own path and find a modus vivendi for good relations with the big states.

"Of course, we can strive for super relations with the United States, if Washington is not a partner in this and instead of an ambassador representing American interests, an ambassador who prioritizes the situation of the LGBTQ community is sent here. I don't recommend Trump fandom to anyone. If Trump comes to power, he will send an ambassador here who will not make fun of the purity of the 2026 election. This is enough for us, we don't want more than that," emphasized Márton Békés.

The audience of the Civil Academy Source:

How do the great powers view the Hungarian strategy? asked the moderator.

According to Márton Békés, the fact that there are no internal social conflicts in Hungary, but there is a stable government, is already a big advantage.

"The country is in a good geostrategic position. I would warn everyone against thinking that Hungary will solve the world's problems. In the Middle East conflict, we emphasize the commitment to peace in the same way as in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. No country is seriously considering the possible use of nuclear weapons right now, and this is encouraging. Both Israel and Israel's opponents want to force a decision before the American elections. Ukraine is not doing very well from a military-political point of view, but Russia cannot advance quickly either. No one has much chance anymore. It is time for a ceasefire, for peace, but it will be enforced by players bigger than us. Hungary can make progress in this with the Friends of Peace group. We managed to avoid drifting into war, even though Western Europe does not support this. Nevertheless, our step earned respect," Márton Békés summed up the situation.

Speaking about the success of the Hungarian EU presidency, Márton Békés said: the European community was originally a peace project, which is why Brussels' behavior in the Russian-Ukrainian war is incomprehensible.

"Viktor Orbán wants to steer the EU back in the direction of peace. Hungary had a clear proposal, we would not like to see an unpredictable and problematic Ukrainian accession, but a Western Balkan expansion. I would also approach this with more cautious expectations, I would say that if we can hold a presidency reminiscent of the old, peaceful, calm world, it will be a success. Acting in a pragmatic manner, focusing exclusively on Hungarian interests, Márton Békés pointed out.

Let's return to the inner courtyard, this is our world, this must be confirmed, the historian added.

The EU cannot cooperate politically because it was created as an economic association. When asked what the future of integration depends on, Márton Békés answered the following: he is not one of those who constantly refer to the founding fathers of the EU.

Civil Academy audience

The audience of the Civil Academy

"That the founding fathers of the EU were thoroughly decent, Christian gentlemen is a strong exaggeration. The Coal and Steel Union was an American project, its purpose was to keep the countries in prosperity and stability, away from fighting each other. At the same time, from the beginning, there was the idea that the EU should be a politically integrated organization. This is also an American model of thought, foreign to European thinking. However, decades have passed and generations of politicians have grown up both in the Western European states and in the EU institutions, which are completely different from the political elite after our system change. The thinking of the two elites is quite different. A caste from Brussels has formed in the institutions of the union, which thinks differently from the average person or state leaders such as Viktor Orbán.

I do not see this conflict as solvable. The thinking, language and perception of the world that separates a Mrs. Von der Leyen from Viktor Orbán are so far apart that it is irresolvable. America has pushed Europe completely to the coast"

- concluded Márton Békés, adding: this is why there is this incredible outrage over Viktor Orbán's words and actions, as we can see from Brussels.

Ten years ago, Viktor Orbán announced the idea of ​​illiberalism in Tusnádfürdő, Márton Békés reminded, adding: there are no longer any great missions or great ideas in the western half of the world, the western elites have a different idea of ​​politics.

"Proceedings against Hungary in the EU have rapporteurs who usually compile their reports based on professional materials. These professional materials are compiled by NGOs. The catchment areas for these reports are non-governmental organizations that derive their resources from the Soros world. These reports and reporters appear in the reports, from them court proceedings, and from them judgments against Hungary. These are serious problems. The ultimate essence of Hungary's fight with the EU is who makes and enforces the laws in this state called Hungary: the Hungarian government or an organization that is completely foreign to us, hundreds of kilometers away, and has no democratic authority? This is the real sovereignty debate. We are the ones who derive the ultimate legitimacy of the state from popular sovereignty. That's why there is a dispute between the EU and Hungary," said Márton Békés.

"There is political, cultural and economic sovereignty. Sovereignty means supreme power, there is a nice Hungarian word for it. What is the source of power? Who says and what supports what the source of power is? Viktor Orbán is the head of the government because the people empowered him to do so in the elections. The parliament is elected by the people. In Hungary, the people are sovereign, and popular sovereignty operates without impairment. The government solicits the opinion of the people in several ways. One is the national consultation, the other when hundreds of thousands take to the streets for the Peace Marches at Orbán's call.

In Western Europe, democracy is viewed quite differently. Western Europe has gone astray, but in Hungary the state's philosophy preserves the original democracy. An Office for the Protection of Sovereignty is needed to ensure that this remains the case," stated Márton Békés.

According to the political scientist, the Sovereignty Protection Office is the nation's consumer protection authority.

The state has a system, background institutions, offices and authorities. This does not mean some new police or internal affairs organization, the Office for the Protection of Sovereignty investigates, makes proposals, and conducts research. This is a very good balance, you may not need more privileges than that. "The fact that certain organizations don't want to report to this office is not unusual: if someone has butter behind their ears, they don't like to walk in the sun," added Márton Békés.

In connection with the strengthening of the TISZA party, Márton Békés said: the central power field announced in September 2009 was about the existence of a large national government party, and next to it, different groups from both the right and the left that do not connect with each other.

"Politics are changing, groupings are changing, the central power field is no longer valid. At the same time, those who were admitted in 2019 will remain in the parliament for another year and a half. That is why parliamentary life is not disrupted by excitement. The Péter Magyar phenomenon is about something else. His party is a virtual party for now.

TISZA does not function as a party.

How the circles organized following the tapping of the bourgeois circles operate in the countryside, let's not try now. But this is all about the opposition. After fourteen years of failure, our fellow citizens in the opposition were looking for someone else. And they found it. That's about it. During the 14 years, the opposition tried all kinds of ways, one of which resulted in a greater defeat than the other. It was shown that there is no need for six parliamentary and three non-parliamentary opposition parties. There is a strategic asymmetry between Fidesz and the opposition.

It was to be expected that there would be a challenger. Whether he came by himself, whether he was prepared, or whether he was helped, is a matter of fantasy. I have a strong imagination...

Even before the Novák case broke out, Péter Magyar was active on Facebook in the opposition direction, he gave his first interview to Partizán, which was maintained with Soros money. It was evident that he had been preparing for this for a long time. Then the infrastructure of the demonstration on March 15 was such that it would have been impossible to put it together in three weeks... There are many similar oddities.

He goes like a cocained Duracell bunny and shows that he really wants it.

The question is what he wants. Because it changes quite a bit," Békés outlined what happened, who also referred to the story of Magyar's former girlfriend, from which he deduced that she is a narcissistic individual who doesn't really know how to deal with women.

"This little boy did his business and machinations in the shadow of his wife for 16 years, and then when the ex-wife left politics, this boy stood there without a tailwind. He is now copying the political innovations of Fidesz: he responds to our civic circles with Tisza islands, if we carry a national flag, he carries it too, if we oppose migration, he opposes it too... He learns, and then what he brings up as grievances, he generously likes to forget to prove .

You don't need to be afraid of it.

What does he want? Topple Viktor Orbán. That's the goal. What will happen the next day? He can't say that. Hungary is not Belgium, people here are used to the state functioning normally. Who would like to see Hungary in the same state in 2026 as Budapest is in today? Not even those from Budapest. It should not be forgotten that Viktor Orbán is also on the field. This government has been in power for more than 14 years, and the system of national cooperation works. Every government can make mistakes. This basic experience is compounded by the fact that in the last 3-4 years the economic performance has not been able to bring the magical 5-6 percent. In this situation, governance is more difficult. There really are some demoralizing inconveniences. The Novák case did not go down well with anyone, nor why it was good for Bishop Balog to release that man under house arrest. The marriage of Judit Varga and Péter Magyar was not missed by anyone. If Judit Varga knew that her husband had such oppositional sentiments, she should not have accepted the ministry. There are also ambiguous wordings and communications that should not burden us. But our historical mission is what is really important," explained Márton Békés.

In closing, Márton Békés stated: the civil camp is united, mistakes can be overwritten, and in the spring of 2026 the stake will be the same as always: our country. You have to convince him there, he pointed out.