Neither Fidesz nor the country is in crisis, but the world is undoubtedly in big trouble.

All that happened was that Péter Magyar pushed the leader of the left down from the podium carved out of hatred by Ferenc Gyurcsány, climbing up the back steps, gathering the thirty percent of voters for whom enough messages are enough to prevent Viktor Orbán from leading the country, declared László Kövér. the chairman of the parliamentary and Fidesz caucuses, who does not at all agree with the assessment of the situation that Fidesz is in crisis.

"Neither Fidesz nor the country is in crisis, but the world is undoubtedly in big trouble.

It is a strange quirk of history that when, after more than a hundred years, we finally started to sort out our common affairs internally, our historical debts, to work off our disadvantage, which the XX. caused by the 20th century, first the Covid, then the war and the accompanying economic difficulties. The cultural and value problems that threaten Europe's loss of identity contribute to all of this. As part of this world, we are trying to protect our sovereignty, our values ​​and our way of life, and to contribute according to our own strength to Europe finding itself and the world turning in a better direction," he said.

Regarding Péter Magyar's political re-emergence, he emphasized that there is no reason to panic, Fidesz does not need to change its political strategy, but it needs to modify its political communication, because Magyar transformed it.

"A hitherto unknown, new adversary appeared on the political arena, who gathered the opposition voters who had long had enough of the Gyurcsánys, the momentary fools, the non-existent Párbeszéd, the loud Tordaik and Tímeák Szabó, and Jobbik, which was so entangled in its own to the point that he no longer knows where he started from and where he is going. Nothing else has happened so far," he said.

"Despite all other appearances, the Tisza Párt was also built by the dollar media, giving Péter Magyar hand to hand until he became a star on social media.

"For us, Ferenc Gyurcsány, Péter Márki-Zay, and Péter Magyar are not our opponents, but neither is he who will come after him when this record expires," emphasized the Speaker of the House.

"Exercising the task of government involves constant challenge and (perhaps necessarily) human error. With all of this, I start from the fact that we have been governing for fourteen years, and with a realistic assessment of our performance, it can be stated without arrogance that this political community has performed historic actions at the head of the country," he added.

László Kövér emphasized that the decade from 2012 to 2022 brought growth to the country and to the majority of Hungarian families that had not been seen in a hundred years, verifiable by statistical indicators. The Fidesz government pulled the country back from the brink of debt slavery and rescued hundreds of thousands of families from the trap of foreign currency debt. In addition, not only did the existing public debt in relation to the gross domestic product decrease significantly, but its structure was also transformed: most of it was denominated in forints. In addition, an important change is the fact that the Hungarian people now largely credit the operation of the state through treasury bills and government securities, which brought financial security to the country.

"This was made possible by the continuous increase in the accumulation of families. Instead of a welfare-based social policy, we created a work-based economic model, as a result of which more people are working in our country today than at any time since 1990. In addition to all this, we managed to build a family support system that serves as a model in many parts of the world," László Kövér pointed out.

"The result of the past fourteen years is that, through Viktor Orbán, Hungary is now a factor in European and world politics that is not justified by the country's size and economic potential," the Speaker stated.

According to László Kövér, as a result of the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the catastrophically flawed EU sanctions policy, the momentum mentioned above was broken, and there are challenges that we have not yet found the right answer to.

"The prime minister is looking for this very way out when he talks about a turnaround in economic policy and economic neutrality, about building broad relationships instead of getting stuck in a bloc, or about how Europe could overcome the migration crisis or how it could increase its competitiveness," he added.

In the best case, it is only the beginning that in recent months the elections at the local or national level have been won by anti-immigration, national, sovereignist parties, while measures are being introduced, for example in the field of border control, for which Hungary is punished by the European Union, but it is not certain that this the process can take place within the framework of democracy - pointed out László Kövér, according to whom

"a hybrid war is taking place on the continent - also against Hungary.

"In this war, which is taking place between the global financial power seeking to eliminate nations and nation-states and the countries and political forces fighting for their sovereignty, one side will either defeat the other, or else Europe will be ruined in a permanent stalemate," stated László Kövér.

"The majority of people in Western Europe share the same opinion on the essential issues as the Hungarian government represents in migration policy, in the handling of the Russian-Ukrainian war, in the matter of sanctions or in relation to LGBTQ propaganda. They also see the problems in their countries accurately, but the ruling elite tries to isolate the voters from the parties that promise radical answers," the Speaker stated.

In connection with the upcoming US presidential election, he explained that European sovereigntists need Donald Trump's victory like a piece of bread, because there is a stark difference between the views of the democratic far left and the right led by Trump, while the Hungarian government is criticized by many for putting everything on the same page, Trump asked.

"Despite all appearances, we are not looking for enemies. The current American leadership is the one that brazenly interferes in Hungarian internal affairs and threatens us, which we never dared to think before that they would do this with an ally.

Anyone who has any doubts about the fact that this is not about American grievances that have accumulated over the years, stemming from our policies, but about the fact that we have been a thorn in the side of the globalist democratic project from the beginning, should look up the statement of former foreign affairs chief Charles Gati from 2012 . After a year and a half of our government, he discussed that the Orbán government should be removed, »if possible, in a democratic way, if not, in another way«. Among the outlined scenarios, he also mentioned the civil war," László Kövér concluded the conversation.

Hungarian Nation

Cover image source: MTI/Attila Kovács