Italy belongs to the Italians, and Hungary belongs to the Hungarians, the Hungarian prime minister announced at the League's general meeting.

Italian and Hungarian are two freedom-fighting peoples that never surrender, never give up their freedom, and never hand over their country to foreigners, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared on Sunday in Italy, at the general meeting of the League led by Matteo Salvini, which was held in the small town of Pontida near Bergamo. held in his field.

The Hungarian Prime Minister - who spoke as a guest of honor at the General Assembly alongside several other European right-wing politicians - reminded us that: in Hungary, October 6 is a national day of remembrance in honor of the heroes of the 1848 War of Independence; at that time the Italian and Hungarian people rose up and fought with arms against the foreign rule.

"Italians and Hungarians are two peoples who fought for freedom, and we are their heirs. We will never surrender, we will never give up our freedom, and we will never hand over our country to foreigners. We will not give it to Brussels bureaucrats, global financial powers, or migrants," he said, adding that Italy belongs to the Italians and Hungary to the Hungarians.

The Hungarian Prime Minister called Matteo Salvini a European patriot, who, according to his assessment, is celebrated as a hero in Hungary because he closed the borders and protected the homes of Italians and Europe.

That is why he deserves an award, not criminal proceedings, added Viktor Orbán, who called the proceedings against Salvini in connection with illegal migration a shame for the left and the whole of Europe.

He also reminded that Hungary has been successfully fighting against the international left for 14 years. The Hungarians' mission is to prove that the left can be defeated.

"We beat them five times. We govern more successfully than the left, the patriots govern more successfully than the international left," he said.

He also mentioned that there is full employment in Hungary today, taxes are being reduced, wages are being increased, businesses are being helped and families are being protected. We will not allow them to make a joke out of marriage, we will not allow them to make clowns out of people who love their families, he declared.

There is no future without families - said Viktor Orbán, who also spoke about the fact that the Hungarian constitution stipulates that marriage is the union of a man and a woman. The basic law also states that the father is a man and the mother is a woman, he added, emphasizing that this will be the case even if the international left "turns upside down".

He also touched on the fact that crime has been crushed in Hungary and criminals have been locked up. My country is the safest country in Europe, he said.

He emphasized that Hungary does not allow illegal migrants to enter and protects its borders. Crossing the border without a permit is considered a crime, "only those to whom we give permission can enter" and you have to wait outside the borders.

The number of migrants in Hungary is zero, he said, adding: we will not hand over our country, "we will not allow them to change our culture, Hungary is our home and we want to feel at home".

Viktor Orbán pointed out that today the European left and Brussels bureaucrats are punishing Hungary together because we do not allow migrants in because we protect Europe. He reminded: Hungary was fined 200 million euros, it pays one million euros every day because it does not allow migrants to enter. It's a shame, it's Brussels' shame, he said.

He added that if they continue to punish us, we will transport the migrants from Budapest to Brussels. "If they want migrants, they will get them," he declared.

Addressing the audience, he emphasized: "Italy is a strong, big and rich country, if we could do it, you can too." Don't think that it's impossible, it's possible, we Hungarians are a living example. Be determined, be brave and follow great leaders like Matteo Salvini!” he urged the meeting participants.

Viktor Orbán warned: our Europe is in trouble.

"Europe is a worse place today than it was ten years ago, the streets have become more dangerous, migrants keep the peaceful European people in fear, they do not respect our laws and our policemen either. We are worried about the future of our children, we are afraid to think about what life will be like in ten or twenty years," said the prime minister.

According to him, the European Union was created for the sake of peace, but there is war in Europe, the Ukrainian-Russian war, and Brussels has become a warring party instead of peace. In the meantime, the bureaucrats are destroying the European economy, he noted, pointing out that European people find it increasingly difficult to support their families, and European companies find it increasingly difficult to stay afloat.

He stated: the European left has spoiled everything, the Brussels bureaucrats do not serve the interests of Europeans, but their own. If this continues, the European Union will follow suit, he warned.

Viktor Orbán also touched on the fact that, in the meantime, the representatives of the patriots in the European Parliament (EP) are being stripped of their rights, in Brussels they are persecuting patriots and sovereignists, and they are even sending money to the leftists fighting against the patriots.

Although Hungary and Italy are first in our hearts, we cannot turn our backs on Brussels; if we leave it to the left, they will overthrow the national governments of the patriots, as they did in Poland, he declared.

According to his words, therefore, it is not necessary to withdraw from Brussels, but to enter it; Brussels must be taken back from the bureaucrats and given to the European people.

Viktor Orbán: It is not necessary to withdraw from Brussels, but to enter it

We need to unite - emphasized the Hungarian Prime Minister, recalling that as a first step a right-wing government was formed in Italy, then Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, Herbert Kickl in Austria and Andrej Babis won in the Czech Senate election.

They also formed the European group of Patriots, which is already the third largest representative group in the European Parliament.

We must strengthen ourselves and continue on the path of unifying the right in Europe! he called out.

"At the end of the struggle, Paris will turn, we will take back Warsaw, and we will be the greatest political power in Europe. Then we will take over the politics of Brussels and make Europe great, strong, rich and free again," said Viktor Orbán.


Cover photo: Viktor Orbán and Matteo Salvini
Source: Facebook/Viktor Orbán