Nothing can erase 1848 from the hearts of Hungarians, just like 1956 or 1989, said Péter Szijjártó.

The message of the revolution and freedom struggle of 1848 calls the nation to unite, as this is the only way to preserve everything that we have inherited from our predecessors throughout history, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó stated on Sunday in Arad.

According to the ministry's statement, at the commemoration organized on the 175th anniversary of the execution of the Arad martyrs, the head of the ministry underlined that the military officers executed in 1849 gave their lives for a holy cause, for Hungarian freedom.

He emphasized that although the borders of the country and the nation do not coincide, it is important to remember together.

Because, my dear friends, nothing can erase 1848 from the hearts of Hungarians, just like 1956 or 1989, he declared.

On October 6, all corners of the Carpathian basin and the entire Hungarian diaspora will turn here, to Arad, and remember the martyrs with a main drive, he emphasized.

"For Hungarians, the events of 1848-49 are synonymous with courage. We made it clear even then, as we have made it clear several times since then, that for national independence we have to fight even against the greatest force, and that is why we always fought," he stated.

"For us, the freedom struggle is not a freely chosen exercise, not something optional. And we've proven that enough times. If necessary, then the Ottomans, if necessary, then the Habsburgs, if necessary, then against the Soviet Empire. We always persevered, and even if we were exhausted, but not broken, we always survived in the end. Hungarians are a nation of freedom fighters. A nation that has stood and will always stand at the graves of the empires that occupied it," he added.

Péter Szijjártó explained that the events of 1848-49 gave birth to heroes, and that this glorious era is still synonymous with patriotism.

The patriotism of the revolutionaries and patriots of 1848 shows us the right path and encourages us to take care of our families, protect our country, and build the nation with our work, knowledge and diligence, he said.

I believe that over the past fourteen years, the bourgeois Christian-democratic Hungarian government has provided enough evidence that it is leading Hungary in the spirit of 1848, and we are leading Hungary, since for us national independence, cherishing the memory of our heroes and patriotism cannot be negotiated, he added.

We dare to say that the message of the 1948 revolution and freedom struggle extends beyond national borders and calls the nation to unite. We count on all Hungarians to change the destiny of our nation for the better, he continued.

He then highlighted that the heart of Hungarian foreign policy is national policy, the main idea of ​​which is that every Hungarian is responsible for every Hungarian.

We can only preserve everything that we have inherited from our predecessors in the course of history, and only in this way can we be proud of everything that we have achieved in the course of history, he underlined.

He believed that freedom is perhaps the most important national value of our country, which means that we decide our own destiny and our own future.

"Our history is rather turbulent, but despite this turbulence, we Hungarians have always wanted the same thing here under the Carpathians. This was perhaps best expressed by the young people of March. Let there be peace, freedom and agreement," he emphasized.

In this regard, the minister also touched on the fact that Hungary is almost the only nation in Europe today that dares to speak clearly, honestly, and openly about its desire for peace again in the eastern half of the continent.

"No matter the stigma, no threats, no pressure, we still insist that the solution to the terrible war taking place in our neighborhood is not on the battlefield, but at the negotiating table. Our goal cannot be other than a ceasefire, peace negotiations and peace, because this is the only way to save human lives, including the lives of our Transcarpathian brothers and sisters," he said. He also stated that it is not possible to plan a Hungarian future without preserving national sovereignty.

Let's make it clear that no matter the legal, political, or financial threats, we will not let others tell us how to live or with whom we should live in our own country, he warned.

Even if they try to impose post-Christian and post-national European federalism on us, we will remain a free and Christian nation, he added.

"This is what the legacy of the revolution and freedom struggle of 1848-49 means to us, my dear friends. That is why we are proud to have such brave heroes as our predecessors in 1848-49 (...) We Hungarians living today cherish their memory with respect and esteem. Because we believe that the Hungarian name will be beautiful again, worthy of its old great reputation. Tribute to the heroes, long live Hungarian freedom, long live the homeland!" Péter Szijjártó concluded his speech.