We will transport the migrants to Brussels - he repeated the government's position.

There will be no migrant camps in Hungary, at least as long as the Fidesz-KDNP governs, there certainly won't be, the political state secretary of the Ministry of the Interior (BM) wrote on his Facebook page on Monday.

Bence Rétvári said that

Hungary received a "giga fine" of 200 million euros, i.e. 78 billion forints, precisely for this reason.

"Today, we were also fined one million euros because we are not willing to submit to the European Union's (EU) migration pact, because we are not willing to host illegal migrants en masse in migrant camps at our borders, and conduct parallel procedures in the order of tens of thousands there, and

because we are not willing to participate in the system in which migrants are distributed within the EU according to quotas" 

- listed the state secretary in his post. As he wrote, this is what Hungary opposes, what it refuses to implement, and that is precisely why it is being punished.

That is why there will never be such a camp in Hungary

he emphasized.

He recalled that Hungary had already indicated that it would not implement the migration pact. "That's why we received a gigantic, unfair and disproportionate fine, because they said that we were systemically opposed to the common migration ideas of the union," he explained. He added that

Hungary wants to be able to protect its borders and it does so; does not want to settle migrants en masse.

Referring to the faction leader of the European People's Party, he highlighted that

"Manfred Weber, Péter Magyar's boss in Brussels" wants immigrants and he wants to build migrant camps.

There will be no migrant camps in Hungary, the migrants will be transported to Brussels - he repeated the government's position. In his post, Bence Rétvári also mentioned that in the past nine years, from 2015 to the present day, the government protected the external borders and did not let in illegal migrants, did not conduct such mass procedures, and did not establish camps.


Cover photo: Bence Rétvári's Facebook page