German prosecutors charged a German left-wing activist with membership in a criminal organization, attempted murder and assault on Tuesday, accused of participating in attacks against right-wing people in Budapest last February. In the meantime, the suspect's companion, who moved from the Hungarian prison to the European Parliament, attacks Hungary and considers it unacceptable that our country holds the consecutive presidency.

Due to German data protection rules, the woman, identified only Hanna S., was detained by the police in May. The woman presumably belonged to a group that planned violent attacks against the right-wing people gathered in Budapest.

On Tuesday, Munich prosecutors charged him with membership in a criminal organization, attempted murder and assault.

The attacks took place on February 11, 1945, the "Day of Remembrance" commemorating the outbreak of the Second World War siege of Budapest, to which far-right activists from all over Europe come to commemorate the attempt by the German Nazis and Hungarian soldiers allied with them to break out of the Soviet encirclement of Budapest. From the siege ring of the Red Army.

The prosecutors claim that of Hanna S.'s group , she secretly followed her victims in Budapest, and then suddenly attacked them with rubber sticks. In the first attack, a man was pushed to the ground and beaten, suffering serious head injuries.

In the second case, the attackers probably used a hammer and pepper spray. According to prosecutors, the two victims suffered bruises and abrasions, reports MTI.

Prosecutors say the group Hanna S. joined is an extremist, violent group shaped by militant left-wing ideology and rejecting Germany's democratic constitutional order.

Authorities attributed attacks on at least five people to the group. The attackers presumably believed that their victims all belonged to the right-wing extremist circle.

"He personally experienced the horrors of the Hungarian regime"

As our readers may remember , the Italian Ilaria Salis, who won a seat in the European Parliament elections on June 9, and who is the main defendant in the antifa case, was able to leave her place of residence specified in the criminal supervision and also Hungary in the middle of June.

The far-left activist not only got away with this political stance, but also earned immunity for himself after last February, according to the accusation, he and his companions beat innocent people to death in Budapest, just because they assumed they were far-right sympathizers.

Since his election, Salis has started his work in the European Parliament, where he joined the faction of the leftists, in a group with such as the far-left Rebel France or the Italian 5 Star movement.


Ilaria Salis in court
Source: MTI

Before the plenary session, at the preparatory press conference of the left-wing group The Left, Manon Aubry, politician of Rebel France, presented Salis as

he "personally experienced the horrors of the Hungarian regime" and stated that Ilaria - whom he called a "comrade" - was arrested for political reasons.

In her speech, Ilaria Salis stated: "I saw the worst side of Hungary" and said that her sentence had already been decided before her trial had begun. He justified this by saying that Orbán called him a criminal in a speech.

The representative explained that she is filled with indignation that the German authorities extradited to Hungary another suspected perpetrator of the series of anti-fascist attacks last February. The 23-year-old German citizen was arrested last December in Berlin based on a European and international arrest warrant. The Hungarian authorities detained the man and initiated his arrest.

The peculiarity of the case is that the anti-fascist activist tried to avoid extradition by claiming that he is non-binary. Salis said: he is very concerned that he was imprisoned in a country where it is not possible to legally change gender.

He stated:

 "Fundamental rights are not guaranteed in Hungary either."

Salis added: Hungary uses racist rhetoric, but he did not give examples.

According to the representative, Orbán uses propaganda to create hatred against Europe, he only criticizes Brussels, but accepts the money. He stated: Orbán and his supporters are a danger to all "freedom-loving citizens" in Europe.

At the end of the speech, when asked by a Telex journalist, he said: he will speak at the plenary debate on Wednesday, the Mandiner wrote .

Cover photo: Bence Rétvári, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior (j) and National Deputy Chief of Police Zoltán Kuczik (b) at the press conference entitled "One year ago the brutal anti-fa attacks took place in Budapest" at the Ministry of the Interior on February 14, 2024.
MTI/Noémi Bruzák