The CÖF-CÖKA is waiting for answers from the leaders of the EU institutions, after a breach of duty procedure was initiated against Hungary due to the special taxes. The civilians want to use all means to force the multinational food chains operating in Hungary to resign from deceiving and harming Hungarian customers, as well as from possible background agreements, in order to cooperate with EU institutions and try to cross the Hungarian government - stated the CÖF-CÖKA and the Egyenlő .hu modern trade union at today's press conference.

- Spar was also expected to show solidarity in the difficult inflationary situation, primarily for the sake of poorer customers - László Csizmadia, chairman of the board of trustees of the Civil Solidarity Forum - Civil Solidarity Non-profit Foundation (CÖF-CÖKA), said at today's press conference. He pointed out how the multinational company is trying to impose its exaggerated profit interest on Hungarian customers.

Protesting against the price caps and the special tax, Spar started a war against the Hungarian government

he added.

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László Csizmadia is the chairman of the board of trustees of CÖF-CÖKA / Photo:

He indicated that, according to their assumption, the representatives of Spar Hungary initiated the abolition of the special retail tax at the European Parliament.

We can see the result, as the European Commission recently launched an infringement procedure against Hungary

- noted the chairman of the board of trustees, and then asked the management of Spar Hungary whether they initiated action in the EP against the special tax, asking for discretion.

Zoltán Lomnici Jr., CÖF-CÖKA spokesperson, said that they are sending an inquiry to Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, to find out if there was a secret meeting between the representatives of any Hungarian multinational food chain and the EU and among the heads of institutions. As he indicated, they will not stop even if they do not receive an answer, as in this case they are also considering further steps.

A possible concerted attack against positive government measures protecting the Hungarian people, in which Spar Hungary has assumed the leading role, is hurtful

said jr. Zoltán Lomnici, then announced that CÖF-CÖKA stands by the government's measures.

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Constitutional lawyer Zoltán Lomnici Jr., spokesperson of CÖF-CÖKA / Photo:

He said that they want to use all means to force the multinational food chains operating in Hungary to stop deceiving and harming Hungarian customers, as well as any background agreements to try to cross the Hungarian government in cooperation with EU institutions.

If any opportunity arises, we will prevent it by all legitimate means

he stated.

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Csaba Bubenko, president of the Egyenlő.hu modern trade union / Photo:

Csaba Bubenkokó, president of the Egyenlő.hu modern trade union, said at the press conference that slave-like exploitation, which leads to financial insecurity for families, must be rejected. He reminded that, according to the Economic Competition Office (GVH), commercial companies incorporated their losses into the price of other products when the official prices were introduced, thereby further generating inflation. He indicated that these companies are not leading the way in paying workers.

Egyenlő.hu is perplexed by the initiative, which is why the European Commission launched an infringement procedure against Hungary

he added.

You can view the full press release here:

Source: Hungarian Nation

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