The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and Manfred Weber announced that they want to overthrow the Hungarian government. I thought that was their position, but I didn't think they would say it openly. The openness of this is unusual, especially since they also said who this government should be made up of - Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told Kossuth Rádió Good Morning, Hungary! in a radio interview on his show on Friday morning. 

On Wednesday, Viktor Orbán presented the program of the consecutive presidency - the host asked the Prime Minister about this. They first touched on the EP debate. As he said, the contributors to the debate attacked the Hungarian government and its program.

Viktor Orbán said during the radio interview that he found himself in the middle of an interesting situation: we have a program, an excellent professional job. The Draghi report was also published, so Europe's problems are being dealt with by others, he emphasized.

As he said, we could have organized a high-quality debate about why the European economy is in trouble. He added that it was also possible to talk about migration, as well as the problems of the green transition, including why European Union entrepreneurs pay two to three times more for electricity and four to five times more for natural gas.

According to the Prime Minister, instead, we saw a political slap in the face.

If ten come to you, that's rock n' roll

he emphasized.

Viktor Orbán said he was in a difficult situation, as the Hungarian people are polite. He was invited, there was a topic he wanted to talk about, but many people attacked him. He thought he would let it go by the ear, but in the end he decided to join the argument. The Prime Minister said that we could have believed that there would be a European standard, that the political debate would be of a high standard, but the opposite happened.

I was in a state of culture shock. Politicians debated with me ignoring the facts, being hateful, and not caring about the people of Europe

he said.

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and Manfred Weber announced that they want to overthrow the Hungarian government. I thought that was their position, but I didn't think they would say it openly. The openness of this is unusual, especially since they also said who this government should be made up of, said Viktor Orbán.

According to the Prime Minister, they have named the two people who would imagine the next Hungarian government: the European Socialists want to delegate Klára Dobrev, the People's Party and the Tisza Party with Péter Magyar, according to the Prime Minister. They made it clear that this was the coalition whose contract, or marriage, actually took place before our eyes, and which von der Leyen, as priest or registrar, celebrated and Manfred Weber witnessed.

And the two parties involved clearly said that they are ready to fulfill what Brussels demands, according to Viktor Orbán.

The prime minister believes that this means four serious things, and all four were accepted.

One is that we enter the war, we will deliver weapons to Ukraine and give them money from the Hungarian budget. They also support Brussels' migration policy.

Therefore, migrants must be allowed in, family protection and child protection laws must be abolished, and finally we must get involved in the economic, trade, cold war, if there was a government according to the "agreement" and which was "created before our eyes", according to the Prime Minister.

Brussels aims to have a "Brussels government" for Hungary with one socialist and one People's Party delegation. According to the Prime Minister, this is the meaning of what happened in Strasbourg.

The Hungarian presidency also has proposals regarding the future of the union

- emphasized the Prime Minister.

As he said, we saw this open contract signing, and then he continued:

"Well, we're here too, not there, Buda! Maybe that's what they want in Brussels, but that's not what the Hungarians want!"

And it may be that they want to delegate a government here from the Hungarian Socialists and the Tisza Party, but the Hungarians will also have a word or two about this and we will not watch this passively, explained the Prime Minister, and then added: that is why he had to agree and he had to cut back.

"I made it clear that I understand that there is such a political concept, but we will oppose it and the Hungarians will want to decide for themselves what kind of government they should have according to what program," he said, and then added: it will not work from Brussels they tell us how to live.

They send their mercenaries here, who will carry it out and force it on us. According to him, there was already an era in the country's history when Hungarians wanted to be told from the outside how to live.

"This will not work, whether there will be marriage, who we will let into the country, who we will go to war with, who we will trade with and who we won't. This was already the case when they said this, we got rid of it 30 years ago," said the Prime Minister and then added: he does not believe that the Hungarians would want to go back here.

"So this is the past that I saw there: this permanent Brussels government delegated from Brussels to Hungary had the same armpit smell as socialism and the Soviet Union. Well, we're over that. We don't want that anymore, he said.

This is a free country, and the Hungarian people will decide what happens here, so the first and most important thing is that I announced the resistance

Viktor Orbán continued.

We will oppose this Brussels plan, which wants to delegate such a government to Hungary. Whatever will happen, we will accept the accompanying conflict - we had to make them understand this. And they will accept this, because they will see that they will lose this battle, he explained.

Publicity, facts, honesty - said Viktor Orbán - all this "does not favor these types of Brussels intentions.

Our greatest allies are reality and the public, and I will speak openly

he stated.

If Hungary is attacked for being "friendly to Russia", "I will bring out the facts and tell you: you traded with the Russians in secret, that you are the ones who buy gas and oil. True, from Indian and Turkish oil refiners - and you paid for it.

The prime minister urged: "let's forget all this and return to European-style politics".

Recalling the history, Viktor Orbán recalled in response to a question:

Hungary first had to deal with the consequences of the 2008 financial crisis.

"That's when we were presidents of the European Union for the first time, in 2011. It was then that the special body was created, which consisted of the prime ministers of the countries belonging to the eurozone.

This became the council of the Eurozone. Its purpose was to negotiate separately on how to save European money, not within the framework of the traditional European debate, Viktor Orbán reported on the beginnings.

"We are not a member of the Eurozone, but sometimes we have been invited to this meeting. It is a very efficient body. At first it existed informally", then it was agreed that it should also have powers, he continued.

Viktor Orbán believes that the decision should be put in the hands of the Prime Ministers involved in the Schengen system. He said, let's leave out the committee and the whole complicated structure. According to the prime minister, the prime ministers of countries affected by migration should be able to decide on the issue. He added: Frontex must be subordinated to this, so that it can finally become an organization protecting European borders.

The Prime Minister emphasized that people are not at all happy with what is happening. As he said

governments fall into migration.

Viktor Orbán said that the previously safe streets in the EU are no longer safe, people are being threatened with spectacular acts of terrorism. He said that Europeans do not take kindly to the fact that, while working honestly, a migrant receives the same amount or more than his salary.

A turn followed for the leaders of Western countries, which was welcomed by Viktor Orbán. As an example, he mentioned that

Olaf Scholz also had a turnaround, but in the Netherlands, for example, the party referred to as the "hoofed devil" won the last election.

The prime minister, on the other hand, deals with the affairs of the Hungarian economy. The "crucifixion attempt" was just a detour in Strasbourg, he said. He said: the economic action plan has been put together, concrete measures are being outlined. This will give the Hungarian economy a big boost.

He emphasized: economic neutrality will result in a 3-6 percent increase, which will be visible in the first-second quarter of the following year. The first is affordable housing. The second is that the negotiations with the trade unions are progressing well. The Prime Minister believes that they will be able to agree on the minimum wage. The third major point of intervention concerns small entrepreneurs. They want to help with the growth there, he said.

Regarding the question about the start of consumption, the Prime Minister spoke about the fact that there was a turning point in September, and added that he does not consider the debate about consumption to be a healthy debate.

He added: at the same time, consumption looks encouraging in light of the September data, as there was a 10 percent real wage increase. If we subtract inflation from the wage increase, then there remains a wage increase of 9-10 percent, which, according to him, is "unprecedented even in Europe".

According to the prime minister, the problem is caused by the slowdown in the European vehicle industry, which is also a key area of ​​the Hungarian economy.

"There are three countries in the world where all the big German car brands are present: Germany itself, China, and Hungary," said the Prime Minister, who said that the electric transition is also a serious challenge for the vehicle industry.

In this regard, a huge development has been launched in Hungary, according to the prime minister, so that "it doesn't happen that the traditional factories are closed and then we are left here with 3-400 thousand people without jobs".

The prime minister can definitely claim that the car manufacturers will stay in Hungary, because the necessary investments are already underway. It will be clear, according to the Prime Minister,

that Hungary was 2-3 years ahead of the rest of the world when it switched to electromobility, including battery production.

According to Viktor Orbán, Hungarian car production can gain momentum from the second half of next year. He noted: this is related to the foreign sales of vehicles produced in our country, all of this can happen when new manufacturers enter the domestic market, and that is why he dares to assume that the government will raise the economic growth to between 3-6 percent next year.


Cover image: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gives an interview to Good morning, Hungary! in the Óbuda studio of Kossuth radio on October 11, 2024.
MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher