In recent times, several public figures have buried the Polish-Hungarian friendship, which goes back about a thousand years, but these statements are repeatedly refuted by life. We show how the Polish representatives stood up for Hungary in Strasbourg.

Beata Szydło, the former Prime Minister of Poland - who currently works as an EP representative - stated in the European Parliament debate on the Hungarian EU presidency that

"this debate should have been about very important things, the priorities of the Hungarian presidency. We should have talked about the economy, security, people's work, what is most important for Europeans today".

"In the meantime, this dispute has become the Hungary trial: the trial of the Hungarian government elected in a democratic election by the sovereign Hungarian nation," he drew attention.

Szydło then declared that the head of the European Commission, Von der Leyen, had given a "scandalous speech". "No one gave him the authority to judge the independent governments of sovereign countries. And I would like to remind you that the European Union is made up of sovereign countries,

And Mrs von der Leyen is not the queen of Europe"

- emphasized the Polish EP representative.

The former Prime Minister then touched on the fact that, although the EP talks a lot about democracy and the rule of law, what do they mean by it - he asked the question. He then gave the example of his country, where, in his opinion, "the rule of law is violated at every corner" At the same time, they don't talk about it in the EP because

their colleague, Donald Tusk, is currently the Prime Minister of Poland"

Beata Szydło pointed out.

"The Hungarian people are authorized to judge Orbán"

Szydło was followed by Tobiasz Bocheński (ECR/PiS), who stated in his speech that those present

they have no right to judge Hungary".

"The Hungarian people are empowered to judge Prime Minister Orbán, that's what democracy is about. "Democracy is not about a gang of bureaucrats and left-wing representatives, detached from reality, screaming about fascism without even understanding what fascism is," emphasized Bocheński.

Then independent representative Tomasz Buczek also asked to speak. At the beginning of his speech, he said, "I do not expect the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union to repair all the damage caused by the EU establishment. I know that this is impossible during their six-month presidency."

He then explained the one thing he was asking for:

They never give up. They should remain a bright spot on the map of Europe, a role model for other nations.

Long live Polish-Hungarian friendship!"

Buczek concluded his thoughts.

"Let's rebuild the Visegrád Group!"

Finally, Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik (ESN/Confederation) also shared her opinion with those present. He asked the question "why is the Hungarian Prime Minister a thorn in Von der Leyen's side" and then answered:

Because it protects traditional values. He defends his country's sovereignty.

It protects the borders of the European Union from the flood of illegal immigrants".

He then continued by saying, "Von der Leyen and his EU elites, on the other hand, profess 'values' that go against the traditional family model, they feed children with left-wing propaganda, they destroy the economy with the Green Deal, they destroy the sovereignty of the member states".

In order for Europe to survive, this must end"

was said.

Zajączkowska-Hernik then also spoke about the fact that Poland and Hungary must lead a broad coalition of states to the point where these "sick ideas" are simply rejected.

"Let's rebuild the Visegrad Group. Let's make Europe strong, rich, big, proud, safe and competitive again! You can count on the Poles"

- he addressed his words to the Hungarian Prime Minister.

You can view the quoted speeches below:


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