Western newspapers are already writing about what they are doing to the Hungarians in Ukraine.

The print edition of the Spanish ABC published a report on Transcarpathia, which has been attacked "only" once since the beginning of the war, according to a local journalist, not for geographical reasons, but for geopolitical reasons: namely, because there is no critical infrastructure in the area.

The article focuses on the situation of the Hungarian minority:

according to the author, there are not many, about 100,000, but the power of a thousand years of history and the Hungarian government are behind them. He noted that, according to his experience, people in Transcarpathia are closer to Budapest than to Kiev, and not just geographically.

One of the girls who spoke complained that everyone in her village was Hungarian, not a single Ukrainian, yet all Hungarian symbols had to be removed, even the street names, while a boy revealed that the Hungarians in Ukraine do not feel that the war is theirs.

The paper also asked students about Transcarpathia's return to Hungary, and one of them answered: "It would be fantastic", but if peaceful coexistence is not possible, the best thing would be an independent Transcarpathia, because it is already like a small country.


Cover image: Participants of II. At the opening of the academic year of Ferenc Rákóczi Transcarpathian Hungarian College in the Beregsász Reformed Church on September 23, 2023.
Source: MTI/János Nemes