Kollár warns the Slovak public that Orbán and Putin may soon dismember Slovakia

The Slovakian rhetoric and scorn against the Orbán government and Hungarians has gone down another level, from where even the back of the frog is considered a serious height.

This time it's none other than the Speaker, famous for his women's affairs,

Boris Kollár joined the army of well poisoners, who could have had a bad dream by now, because in his program Markíza Testre szabva, he had a vision that "Orbán and Putin will soon dismember Slovakia."

Kollár repeatedly mentioned a possible threat from Hungary in the program. "They talk about Great Hungary, buy real estate from us, issue passports. This is not a joke," he scolded.

According to Kollar, Russian aggression undermines the international system, which also guarantees Slovakia's sovereignty. In his opinion, Viktor Orbán can also use this against Slovakia in the future...

Well, after hearing all this, one seriously thinks about whether this kind of banter does not exhaust the concept of spreading fear and even incitement against Hungarians living in Slovakia, which the Slovak government fights against with the power of the law?

Source and featured image: Felvidék.ma