The coalition of Ferenc Gyurcsány and Péter Magyar is formed.

For months, Ferenc Gyurcsány and Péter Magyar argued with each other, but during the latter period it became clear that the alliance between the leaders of the New Left and the Old Left could soon become a reality. In a recent interview, the president of the DK hinted that they are also looking for the possibility of cooperation with the Tisza Party, while Péter Magyar helped Gyurcsány's man get a position in the capital.

What belongs together is coming together: we are getting closer and closer to the coalition of Ferenc Gyurcsány and Péter Magyar.

Last week, in an interview with Telex, the leader of the Democratic Republic of the Congo talked about possible cooperation with the Tisza Party, saying that they are looking for cooperation with everyone who opposes Viktor Orbán. When asked whether he would seek cooperation with Magyar even after he called the Tisza Party president a traitor, morally incompetent and a pimp in recent months, he answered: "this is the nature of coalition cooperation".

The president of the DK believed that there is still no other alternative than the joint opposition offer. And Péter Magyar previously made comments that he does not consider Ferenc Gyurcsány a politician, and that he does not think it is worth kicking a dead lion. But there was also an example where the leader of the New Left called on the first man of the Old Left to retire.

Despite the constant debates, Ferenc Gyurcsány has already hinted that he considers a collaboration with Péter Magyar to be conceivable. All of this is hardly surprising, as it would guarantee its political survival for the period after 2026 as well.

Back in the summer, Gyurcsány discussed in a Facebook post that the opposition should hold an introspection, and then indicated that they should prepare for the 2026 elections now, and that, in his opinion, is even more important than ill-considered political struggles. In an earlier interview with Spirit FM, Gyurcsány said that if no party has a majority after the 2026 elections, negotiations must be held, and the DK would do this with anyone who wants the current government parties to fall.

The establishment of the Gyurcsány-Hungarian coalition is already visible in the Capital Assembly.

As previously reported by our paper, Gergely Karácsony explained in an interview with Telex: if the parties do not vote for Ambrus Kiss as deputy mayor at the inaugural session of the Metropolitan Assembly, he will perform exactly the same duties as before, only as the director general of the office. At the inaugural session of the Metropolitan Assembly on October 4, Kiss Ambrus was not voted as deputy mayor.

Alexandra Szentkirályi, the leader of the Fidesz faction in the capital, recently indicated in a Facebook video: Péter Magyar suggested to Karácsony that they trick the general assembly and that Ambrus Kiss should be the general director of Budapest if they cannot get the majority of the assembly behind Gyurcsány's man.

As is known, last week there was a heated debate in the European Parliament in Strasbourg between Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and EU leaders and left-wing MEPs. It is noteworthy that during the EP debate, Klára Dobrev and Péter Magyar both took a stand against Hungary and attacked what the Hungarian Prime Minister said.

The head of the European Commission and the European People's Party, Ursula von der Leyen and Manfred Weber, want to overthrow the sovereignist Hungarian government and replace it with Klára Dobrev of the European Socialists, and the People's Party wants the Tisza Party with Péter Magyar in government - said Orbán in relation to the beer in Strasbourg Viktor in his usual Friday morning interview with Radio Kossuth.

– They made it clear that this is the coalition they want, and the marriage of which took place before our eyes. It was celebrated by Von der Leyen as a priest or registrar, and Manfred Weber was the witness, the Prime Minister noted.

Hungarian Nation

Cover image: Gyurcsány sooner or later casts his net on everyone
Source: MTI/Róbert Hegedűs