The economic policy action plan, which contains 21 measures, is based on three pillars, increasing the purchasing power of incomes, ensuring affordable housing and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises.

At its meeting on Tuesday, the government adopted an economic policy action plan containing 21 measures in preparation for the budget, which rests on three pillars:

increasing the purchasing power of incomes, ensuring affordable housing and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises

- the minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office announced on Wednesday in Budapest to Government Information.

Gergely Gulyás added that at the request of the government factions, the government decided that

launches a national consultation on the most important pillars of the new economic policy.

The 21 points were listed on the government's social media page:

1. Long-term wage agreement on the minimum wage and the guaranteed minimum wage between employer and employee interest groups.

2. Launching the employee loan program.

3. Doubling the personal income tax allowance for children, by 50 percent from July, and by another 50 percent from 2026.

4. Tightening Airbnb's terms and conditions.

5. Examination of apartment rents and contracts.

6. Expansion of dormitories, primarily in higher education.

7. Starting a housing program for young people.

8. Starting a rural home renovation program.

9. Half of the money received on the Szép card can be spent on home renovation

10. Voluntary private pension fund savings can also be used for home renovation.

11. There will also be tax relief for housing allowances given by employers.

12. The reduced VAT rate of 5 percent for new properties will remain until the end of 2026.

13. Negotiations are underway on a 5 percent home loan interest ceiling, voluntarily undertaken by the banks.

14. A significant capital financing program is launched for businesses.

15. Investment program for small and medium-sized enterprises.

16. They support digitalization.

17. The annual interest rate for the investment loans of the Széchenyi card program will be reduced to 3.5 percent.

18. The export incentive loan program will be restarted.

19. Investment program starts.

20. EU payments to domestic small and medium-sized enterprises will be accelerated.

21. The administrative burden of small and medium-sized enterprises is reduced, the smallest enterprises are exempted from the mandatory audit.

Cover image: Illustration / MTI Photo by Zsolt Czeglédi