On Tuesday, the Hungarian Women's Association and the Women's Future of the Nation Association held their award ceremony in the Pávás Hall of the Cifrapalota in Kecskemét. The Rural Women for Hungary Award was presented here, which this year was awarded to Judit Hamzáné Lakó, secretary of the Aranyhomok Small Area Development Association. The recognition award is given to a rural woman every year for her activities of lasting value.

Judit Hamzáné Lakó, among others, is credited with creating such successful events as the Regional Gardening and Food Industry Exhibition at the Famous Week Festival, the Local Product Festival and the Hungarikum Festival, as well as the Kecskemét Farm Product Market - reports hiros.hu .

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Photo: Róbert Banczik / hiros.hu

The Rural Women's Award for Hungary was launched in 2019 at the suggestion of the Rural Women's Section of the Association of Hungarian Women's Interests. Since then, it has been awarded annually exclusively to rural women, in recognition of outstanding work done to preserve the values ​​and traditions of the countryside, outstanding work done to protect the natural environment, outstanding work in the field of domestic agriculture, and outstanding work in the production and production of food that provides healthy nutrition. for work.

Kinga Szőnyi, president of the Association of Hungarian Women's Interests, greeted the attendees first at the award ceremony. He explained the goals of the organization and the importance of the award. He spoke in detail about the previous awardees, and then Ildikó Nagyné Legény, president of the MAGOSZ national housewives section, praised Judit Hamzáné Lakó, who is the fifth among the awardees.

Vice-mayor Jakabné Engert, president of the Women for the Future of the Nation Association, congratulated the awardee on behalf of the city administration, thanking him for working for their city for nearly three decades. As he said, the association nominated him for the award, because no one deserved this recognition better than him.

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Photo: Róbert Banczik / hiros.hu

Judit Hamzáné Lakó, who has been working for the development of the small region for 27 years, expressed her thanks through tears. He also thanked his colleagues and family for their support and lots of love. He promised that he would continue to work on nurturing traditions and would also try to involve young people in value-creating and value-preserving work.

At the award ceremony, Mónika Sáfár, winner of the Mari Jászai Award, a worthy artist, gave a show, and Mózes Szelei, a 10th-grade student at the János Bolyai High School in Kecskemét, greeted the awardee with a poem.

Cover photo: Róbert Banczik / hiros.hu