He stole our flag - my little girl pointed to the passerby, who picked up our windblown flag from the sidewalk, twisted it up and took it with him.

We saw him from several floors up looking for where the stray tricolor could be missing, but he couldn't have noticed that it had fallen from us. My little girl doubted, but accepted that the uncle was not a thief, but saved our little flag. He protected it from the wind blowing it into the puddle in the middle of the road or from being swept under the wheels of cars.

By adopting it, he protected our national symbol from an unworthy situation. I could also say that he defended the honor of our flag.

And whoever does this with the red-white-green silk lying on the street will certainly treasure it at home as well. And we will take another one and tie its handle more tightly to the railing.

Of course, this could also be the end of writing with flags, if the houses in the capital did not look as if someone had stolen the flag from their holders as the holiday approaches.

Or just one.

Because the national color is flying in the other one. The one that is empty, before the regime change, we could see the "red wandering flag" of the international labor movement - as the former TV reporter said while peeking into the May Day broadcast. The red has not been replaced by another one since then.

If there is a dead person in the house, then a black one is waving in the wind, if a national holiday is approaching, then not even a red-white-green is run from the wallet of any housing association. The local governments also leave one of the pipes of the gaping double supports on the columns as an orphan. Of course, the wiser mayors have already dismantled these remnants of the past and solve the decoration with some holders. In terms of cost, this is exactly half of what it would be like to have two flags of the national colors blowing in the wind per pole.

The Marian flag of the European Union would also be obvious. Because the 12 golden stars shining in the blue background are indeed those of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to which the parliamentary assembly once said yes.

It is true that, according to the current explanation, the stars forming a circle against a background representing the blue sky symbolize the unity of the union. And the fact that there are twelve is an expression of perfection and completeness. Their number is constant, like that of the months, i.e. they have never indicated the number of members of the Union.

It is worth noting that the Union flag was first waved by the wind of freedom at the same time as the hole-punched flag of the Hungarian '56s.

It was set on October 21 at the Strasbourg Cathedral, where the founding fathers - the deeply religious Catholics - Robert Schuman and Konrad Adenauer prayed on the 19th anniversary of the Immaculate Conception. before its depiction in the 19th century. The crown of twelve stars shines on Mary's head. According to the original intention of the founders, the European Union rests on Christian foundations. They developed a plan according to which European countries share resources and tasks in order to create a fruitful and peaceful Europe.

I wonder how much of all this the representatives telepreaching in the Strasbourg meeting hall in the consciousness of their own divinity have adopted? Or are they just like the Hungarian flag bearers: has the original meaning of the symbols no longer mattered? Does it matter who marches under the flag? It must be the one who orients himself on the battlefield based on the sight of the flags held high!

Einstand! From now on, the holed flag of the revolution and freedom struggle of 1956 is ours, said the red shirts, now dressed in slim-fits. So from now on, it's theirs, their flag.

Just don't walk like the EU parliament with the Marian flag. By the time it is lifted high, there is nothing left of it but the gaping hole.


Cover image source: Városi Kurír