The prime minister broke another record.

He has never held the position of prime minister in Hungary for as long as the reigning prime minister has. According to the available data, this record has so far been attributed to Kálmán Tisza, who held the office of Prime Minister from October 1875 to March 1890, while temporarily performing the duties of Minister of the Interior, Minister of Finance, and Minister of the King's Personal Affairs, the latter of course not at the same time.

Either way, Kálmán Tisza ran the Hungarian government for 14 years and 4 months.

On Monday, however, Viktor Orbán exceeded the total of 5,259 days that the "General" spent as prime minister. After that, no one spent such a long time in the Prime Minister's velvet chair, until October 21, 2024, when this record was surpassed by the reigning Prime Minister.

As is well known, Viktor Orbán came to power for the first time in 1998, his first term lasted until 2002, and after an eight-year hiatus, in 2010, the Hungarians voted him a second vote of confidence, immediately by two-thirds, so

the second Orbán government was able to start its operation with strong legitimacy, and this legitimacy has since been confirmed by the Hungarians in 2014, 2018, and again in 2022 during the parliamentary elections.

It is interesting to mention that by the end of 2020, Viktor Orbán overthrew the 5,259-day head of government in Tisza - however, this figure was only obtained by adding up all the time spent as head of government.

On Monday, however, the record of continuous governance became a thing of the past, as today is approximately 5,260 days since Viktor Orbán was sworn in as prime minister.

Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán
Source: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer