The ideals and values ​​of our revolution and freedom struggle oblige us, Hungarians, to work for a European Union, and within it a Hungarian state that serves and does not leave European and Hungarian citizens at the mercy of the European and Hungarian citizens - said the President of the Parliament of the Rákóczi Association Gloria Victis 1956- os memorial ceremony on Tuesday in Budapest.

László Kövér emphasized in his celebratory speech at the Bem-szobor: for these ideals sixty-eight years ago, the Hungarians faced certain death and attacked foreign tanks that crushed freedom.

"In the chess game of the Eastern and Western powers, Hungary rebelled and, if only for a short time, became a bastion of freedom and Christian Europe"

- he said, then emphasized: "the sacrifice of those thirteen days also obliges today's generations."

According to the President of the Parliament, the Hungarian revolution of 1956 is the message of the 21st century. to the nations of Europe in the 20th century, that " neither the will of the people, nor the state, nor its sovereignty can be withdrawn from the state sovereignty resting on the will of the people, because otherwise the degradation of democracy, anarchy, then dictatorship and vulnerability await Europe. "

" If today's leading bureaucrats in Brussels are unable to understand this message, they will soon have to deal with hundreds of millions of deceived European citizens as the gravediggers of the European Union ," he added.

László Kövér recalled that the Hungarian heroes of 1956 opposed a system that was based on the suppression of national identity, the abolition of state sovereignty, the humiliation of society, economic plunder and armed violence. And when the revolutionary Hungarian government declared Hungary's independence and neutrality on November 1, 1956, the state "exercised its sovereignty in the sense of international law, in defense of the nation," he explained.

"1956 not only had heroes, but also had and still has traitors," declared László Kövér, adding:

"traitors tried and are still trying to falsify the spirituality and ideological legacy of the 56 revolution as servants of foreign interests."

"We hate only one thing more than foreign oppression: the Hungarian servants of foreign oppressors," he emphasized. "Today's traitors to the ideals of 1956 want to steal the flag with holes, which has become a public treasure of the nation, to make it a tool for their own petty interests and the imperial ambitions of their principals," he said.

The speaker also pointed out that today's young people "can say that war is not peace; they can say that the father is male and the mother is female; they can say that Hungary belongs to the Hungarians and Europe to the Europeans; and they can also say, "God, bless the Hungarians!"

"Never let this freedom be lost, because everything else follows from it!" he underlined.

László Kövér said: eternal gratitude and glory to the heroes of 1956! May God give strength, steadfastness and wisdom to their followers - he concluded his speech. The majority of the participants of the ceremony arrived at Bem tér with a torchlight procession starting in front of the University. The march commemorated the October 22 student meeting at the University of Applied Sciences, considered one of the defining events of the revolution. The students summarized their demands and decided to march to Bem Square the next day, October 23, in solidarity with the Polish people.

October 23 - Torchlight parade in Budapest

On October 22, 2024, the participants of the traditional torch-lit commemorative procession held on the occasion of the 68th anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle, organized by the Rákóczi Association, will march from the University of Technology to Bem Square.
MTI/Tibor Illyés

The current parade, with the participation of thousands of people, mostly young people, was led by three contemporary Csepel trucks, and young people dressed in period clothes waved from the platforms. Several of the participants in the march waved flags with holes in national colors and symbols of the revolution. The Rákóczi Association co-organized the torchlight parade and the Bem tér commemoration.


Cover image: László Kövér, the President of the Parliament, gives a speech on the occasion of the 68th anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle at the 1956 memorial ceremony of the Rákóczi Association Gloria Victis at the Bem statue on Bem tér on October 22, 2024. Source: MTI / Photo: Zoltán Kocsis