I wonder why research directly linked to the opposition is trying to influence public opinion with such primitive means?

Two "public opinion research institutes known for their objectivity, independence and accurate measurements, and even famous for their measurements" also released a research in time for the national holiday, according to which, after a scant 18 years, an opposition party finally overtook Fidesz in the popularity contest of the parties.

I don't have the luck to know the methodology of the crime, on the one hand because they don't tell us about it, and on the other hand because it is a long and rather boring read in the case of serious research, which is also not told about it. It should not be forgotten that there are also real, regular, genuine researches that want to know the reality, behind which serious professional experience and the cooperation of many professionals can be found.

Fidesz leads confidently

Among the 113 or so sparrows living in my garden, there is a well-informed one who sometimes, if he is in a good mood, provides information about the results of the researches, the results of which are not tied to our noses, but which usually have a good shot at the results of the elections. Of course, it makes no sense for us to lie, either here or there. Unfortunately, results that are too good are a cause for suspicion in these times, too bad have not been used for 18 years or so.

The Nézőpont research, which came out after the two opposition sentiment reports, shows what can be expected based on history and trends, the Tisza Party has swallowed up almost the entire opposition and has almost no effect on the Fidesz voting base.

Then we have to ask ourselves, why are research directly linked to the opposition trying to influence public opinion with such primitive means?

Of course, Nézőpont is right-wing, but in a strange way, they only have to worry about not appearing too optimistic, because that makes the camp comfortable. Telling the truth is easy and pleasant, especially if the actual truth itself is heart-warming.

The "results" of the two opposition "research" are therefore not the existence report of the two companies, they do not follow electoral trends with their own well-founded methodology, but sell hope for money.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, I am not saying that the presumed two million voters of the Tisza Party in an election with a participation of around 65-70 percent is not terribly many and not shocking in general, considering the phenomenon value of Péter Magyar, but it is precisely the opposition camp that is behind Péter Márki-Zay also persisted in the dramatic period of the "closing of the scissors". So what does this dream production need?

A simple answer is that the Tisza Party is already stagnating, even eroding, due to the countless unmanageable contradictions that the one-man party elite already represents and they wanted to give a push to the cart stuck in the pothole.

But it is quite obvious that the initial momentum of the Tisza Party cannot be sustained in any way, it is completely unnecessary to throw around unverifiable victory reports if there is no real confirmation for a year and a half. It is also completely pointless to expect that the spectacular decrease in the mobilizing power of the Tisza Párt will stop if the party's solo singer can only sing one song and that too more and more boringly.

The old opposition is still in a frozen state, but they are very good at one thing, they can wait for their time to come. The mantra of unity is already sometimes heard from old mouths, and now András Fekete-Győr, who has resigned from the parliament, has declared himself to be a significant added value to the upcoming collapse of the opposition. But Manfred Weber's candidate needn't be afraid of them, they don't want to take away voters from him, but only places to enter.

Except, of course, Gyurcsány, but he doesn't shine as brightly as he used to, the O1G experience he provides is not the same anymore.

But we can easily manufacture a conspiracy theory and the associated practice that can measure up to the intellectual and moral standards of the old and neophyte opposition. I think the representative of the Tisza Party misunderstood something in Brussels. After the Western administrators around him said the same things that every opposition straw man has said in the last 14 years, namely that here is the next Hungarian prime minister, whom we of course enthusiastically support, Magyar got the impression that this was already being done to him in Budapest. Then, when the Manfrés posted that Orbán should go (the message expressed hope and not ability), he presumably got nervous and realized that he didn't have to endure the next tiring year and a half, but instead was installed as a substitute in Karmelita without a tender. (Because the Facebook post is the political action itself. You don't have to do anything else.)

Well, right! The Tisza Party voted for the migration pact in Brussels

I think it even arose from his subconscious mind that on October 23 he would storm Buda Castle at the head of a victorious revolution. I think he was already expecting a revolution at MTVA, the hole flag was stolen because the leader, who is tired of more complicated affairs and administration, really believes that his popularity will increase by five percent every week and reach one hundred percent by Christmas.

Which is automatic promotion to god emperor, which only needs to be announced on public television.

There was, of course, another "suicide attempt" that died in ashes, which the American secret services dug up, leaving it in the benevolent darkness as to who would have been the object of the operetta's suicide. If I remember correctly, following in the footsteps of MZP, the MP quickly accused the government of a suicide attempt, although if we think about who would benefit from such a mishap in an imaginary revolution, then we are not looking at a government interested in maintaining order.

It's great fun to poke around the minds of the "messiah" and the O1G coalition by throwing together unrelated facts, but let's never forget, they mean it anyway. A couple of favorable data sets that look like public opinion research on the popularity of the parties, a reference from Manfréd, and the subconscious fear that the "hundred thousand" crowd is now only two thousand and a well-directed rumor that according to Fidesz's internal measurements, the ruling party leads by 20 percent, but they don't say that the messiah will be even bigger, and every morning the patient wakes up to the burning need of that day's revolution. What a disappointment this October 23 must have been for them! My God, how many "revolutions" have been left in the last 14 years!

So, Dear Reader, we may have experienced a failed coup or a failed revolution (as you like) and it was so successful that we didn't even notice it. If Manfred and Péter keep their distance from now on, we can know that this is not what they promised each other in those longing days in Brussels.


Featured Image: An AI-generated image of a sympathizer from the Internet/Source: Democrat