The European Civil Cooperation Council will hold its fifth meeting on the weekend of October 25 and 26 with the theme of "Patriotic spiritual defenders for Europe". Intellectual patriots from 17 countries are participating in a conference, at which Gál Kinga, the first vice-president of the Patriots for Europe representative group, and Václav Klaus, the second president of the Czech Republic, also spoke at today's conference. The members of the organization firmly believe that strong nations cannot exist without patriotism, and the European Union cannot exist without strong nations - said László Csizmadia, founding president of EuCET, chairman of the board of trustees of CÖF-CÖKA, whose opening speech we publish without changes.

Dear President of the Republic!
Dear Madam Vice President! Secretary of State Madam! Chairman Gentlemen!
Present Patriots, Spiritual Patriots, Ladies and Gentlemen!

Five years have passed since the establishment of EuCET. Our community has not deviated from the path it undertook. We assessed our continent's place in the world, respecting the principle of popular sovereignty, recognizing the unalienated sovereignty of EU states, and standing up for the equality of member states.

We believe that the basis of the rule of law is justice. Following civil courage, we have always worked for the safety of our societies for a better life for the family of nations.

In our world, we constantly see the clash of political ideas. Self-control imposed by morality is mandatory for us patriots, anti-war spiritual defenders. With debate skills, you have to fight with real arguments, often sick ideas. The challenge is great, because the power-hungry community of interests of our opponents is interested in oppression, domination and obtaining or maintaining their own well-being. On the other hand, we work on the basis of thousands of years of Judeo-Christian traditions, learning from our mistakes, for today's and future generations.

It has become clear that the history of mankind is once again at a crossroads. We must choose to follow the intention of "one for all and all for one" or "divide and conquer".

An immediate task is the major overhaul of the EU institutional system, which disregards the will of the European peoples. Rapid damage mitigation and then restoration of optimal operation. This requires the elimination of the European hotbed of war, first a cease-fire, and then a one-way will among the great powers to conclude peace.

Diplomatic feat instead of arms deliveries!

From the point of view of professionalism, it is inevitable to revise the sanctions that act as boomerangs that were imposed incorrectly and irresponsibly. The well-being of Europe's population is criminally harmed by the left-wing majority in Brussels, which cements its hold on power, but also by those on the "right" who falsely - see the diluted unity of the People's Party - wear national costumes.

The European Parliament has also had representatives who have no intention of serving the will and trust of their constituents. Many member country representatives would no longer have a place there. The committee seats and the leading statuses were allocated among themselves, and they can live happily as subsistence politicians for another five years, from the taxes paid by EU citizens.

Sensing the turning point of the European peoples, the figures in question raised the height of their ivory towers. In the 27 member states, the parliamentary elections that have already been held and those that will be held have brought and are bringing an overwhelming right-wing advance. For now, it's all in vain, because the left-wing parties, deceiving their voters by abandoning their idealism, unprincipledly unite in the parliaments of the member states and block the will of the people with a false majority. At the moment, we are seeing similar phenomena in the EP, and all those who are doing this now do not count on the fact that the patience of the European citizenry may run out and lead to civil wars. This is further accentuated by the admission of illegal migrants to Europe.

We need a 180-degree turn in the EU, the protection of Christianity. Because we will soon be able to speak of ourselves as if our faith was no more and Europe's identity was lost.

At all times in the European Council, the heads of state and prime ministers authorized by the voting citizens of the member countries are entitled to take decisions that satisfy the interests of all member states based on consensus. Abolishing the so-called veto and advocating a majority decision conflicts with the basic contract. In such a case, the sovereignty of equal states is nullified. Any measure that is not the source and final adopter of the ET circumvents the prescribed consensual legislative formulas.

The trumped-up status of the president of the EC and the EP does not entitle the women presidents to place themselves above the ET. To put it simply, Ms. Von der Leyen cannot imagine herself as prime minister of a non-existent federation of Europe. Currently, the operation of the EU is chaotic because the active movement of the bureaucracy of the EP and EC is aimed at obtaining independent legislation for themselves. Named institutions can only play a one-way auxiliary role in relation to the European Council. This is proven by the fact that in many cases they do not even have direct authorization from the voters of the member countries. It is no coincidence that in the EP, we can see party battles on different ideological grounds instead of actual work every day.

The fact is that only the parliaments of the member countries can decide on their prime minister and the leadership of their countries. In this way, the heads of state and prime ministers receive the trust and authorization directly from the people. During the election cycle, they are the elected legitimate representatives of the 27 member states. In the European Council, member countries' changes in government and the transformation of party preferences will appear immediately.

In our opinion, the irrevocable responsibility of the ET at the top of the hierarchy rests on its super-legitimacy. It is in their hands to ensure the equality of the member countries and to display the consensus decisions without violence.

Europe's awakening and its people's desire for peace can no longer be prevented. The ideas and fever dreams of globalists have failed. The supranational federal super-state tarot in one hand is not a medicine, but a deadly poison.

In Europe, we have to move the political and economic interests of the voters from the current flawed and artificial environment of the Union into reality.

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