Our very independent and even more objective media is a strange commodity, very strange. 

It seems that their problem with the serial wrongdoings of their own savior is not that they were actually committed, but that the "propaganda press" and the "football media" reported on them.

Because only they have the right to report, especially framing, and only they can tell a story correctly, because what will the world be like if all kinds of non-government-supporting entities dare to speak up and say: excuse me, it happened here, at that time, and that's how it happened.

Two men, one case. One man, The Man, two cases.

First case, let's quote Zsolt Bayer's blog:

The ambulance service did not find who leaked Péter Magyar's ambulance report

According to the president of Tisza, "the Emergency Service is lying, you can know exactly who leaked it." (444)

"The ambulance service's investigation into how Péter Magyar's case file was made public has been completed

At the beginning of May, Bors published an excerpt from the minutes from the National Ambulance Service about the case when Judit Varga called an ambulance for her then-husband, Péter Magyar, due to suspected drug poisoning. (…) In the end, Péter Magyar did not have to be cared for because he left their residence." (24)

"The ambulance service did not find anyone personally responsible for the leak of Péter Magyar's case file

Bors presented two documents in the spring, which revealed that last year they could have called an ambulance to Péter Magyar due to symptoms of poisoning, but they could not treat him because he had left the scene. According to Magyar, the general manager of the ambulance service "NER cadre" is lying." (Telex)

"The National Emergency Service does not know who is responsible for the leak concerning Péter Magyar

The National Ambulance Service (OMSZ) failed to find out who is responsible for the leak concerning Péter Magyar, RTL News reported. In the spring, the Bors tabloid reported on two documents, according to which an ambulance was called to Magyar last year citing symptoms of poisoning, but by the time they arrived, the lawyer had left the scene." (Voice)

And so on…

How interesting, isn't it?

We're not talking about this fucking scumbag playing suicide in front of his minor children and his wife, and then, after the ambulance is called, he awkwardly pulls himself together and walks away as if nothing happened - as the "leaked" records also support, i.e. prove word for word what Judit Varga said, but no, we are not talking about that, but about who leaked the minutes, from which it is clear in black and white - if it wasn't already clear to anyone - that this is a psychopathic villain.

Yes guys, this is how it should be done…

ps: Imagine what would happen here if it turned out that a Fidesz politician or public figure did the same thing. And there would also be emergency service records to prove it. Which opposition newspaper and journalist do you think would feverishly investigate who leaked those minutes, instead of years of writing vitriolic and pus-soaked op-eds about what a bloody scoundrel he is?

Mogyi, I'll eat that gallant heart of yours!

And the second case:

Péter Magyar fumbles in his pants pocket during the Hungarian Prime Minister's speech in Strasbourg. Live, live. No one ordered him to stand behind Viktor Orbán, in the crossfire of cameras and photographers, and no one held a gun to his head to grab his groin. He did it by himself, of his own accord, by accident or directly, it doesn't matter. It happened. And the pro-government media reported it. Just as the Bermuda Triangle of 444-Telex-HVG reported on the wrongdoings of József Szájer or Zsolt Borkai in thousands of articles that year.

But then what is the problem here? Why is the dignified opposition, independent(?) and objective(?) press still outraged?

The most pressing question, however, is how many posts Péter Magyar "The Man" and the wonderful media carrying him on the palm of his hand would have made, if there had been a Fidesz digging in his pants pocket hanging out right behind him during his parliamentary speech? And how many articles would have been published over there, in the land of (I) POORITY, if it had been revealed that some Fidesz potentate was faking suicide in front of his children?

Featured image: Illustration/Alexas Fotos/Pixabay