Come on, good party soldiers, let's drink healthily! But not just anything, just water. Because it is said that it is not drinkable everywhere, but that will become clear when you drink it.
The vice president and deputy leader of the DK, the well-deserved Ágnes Vadai, announced on her social media page that her party must fulfill a noble mission, that is, they will take over the country. Allegedly, this is necessary because they received "numerous signals" from here and there that the water quality and drinking water service in the given settlement are not adequate. And they have to make sure of this with the help of their taste buds.
In the language of DK water inspectors, there is certainly a built-in laboratory that determines with infallible certainty after one sip whether the drinking water is tasty and, if so, why not.
Because even here, the scheming of the Orbán government, hiding in the dark and skinning the people, can be lurking in the background, which deliberately spoils the water of the working people, because it is evil. Oh, and of course he steals, because - according to them - the European Union just poured horse water here in order to improve the quality of the drinking water, but the Orbáns didn't even improve it.
The pipes must also have been stolen, so now there is no way to get healthy drinking water to the homes of vulnerable, unfortunate Hungarians.
Of course, it is true that even today there are farms, closed gardens, and outlying areas where there is no piped water supply, but it is true that sooner or later (of course, sooner if possible) it should be achieved. However, the EU funds "flowing" here do not serve this purpose, because in Brussels - thanks to the "blessing" activity of the representatives of the DK - the money taps have been closed.
The party's activists, who are now going on a drinking tour, would do well to bring small signs with them with the following inscription: "Thank you, opposition, we don't have piped drinking water!"
Of course, Vadai and his fellow warrior, László Varju, and the other thirsty people do not go where there is no water pipe, on the contrary, where the life-giving water comes through pipes. And they will drink everything, the outlaw! They will swallow the liquid with death-defying courage and appreciate it! The little lab workers! Because they will then clearly determine the quality of the drinking water supplied by the Orbán dictatorship, which is contaminated with ideology by the Christian-conservative side. Rural voters are forced to absorb this, which is why so many people vote for the government.
Then there will be the issue of wells rich in boron, fluoride and arsenic. After all, at one time, in the early 2010s, the number of settlements with such a problem was 365, by 2020 their number had decreased to 10. But they still exist. Do the DK water eights go there to drink? Cheers!
However, I have a particularly practical piece of advice for water level researchers, which will pay off cheaper and without a tiring trip. If Vadai or Varju cannot use the Internet, ask someone who can solve the difficult task, which consists of typing in the search engine: drinking water quality of Hungarian settlements. The website of the National Public Health Center is published, where you can find the results of measurements on the quality of drinking water by settlement.
Oh, and so that you don't have to do long calculations, the summary report states: "In terms of the quality of the supplied drinking water, Hungary meets the European average, with 99-100% compliance for most of the parameters to be tested."
Why is there a national waterway?
Of course, everyone travels there and drinks what they want, but I'm afraid that the illustrious representatives of DK are not even interested in the quality of the drinking water - they just want to stir up a storm in a glass of water.
György Tóth Jr
Cover image: Ferenc Gyurcsány
Source: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák