The Fidesz politician did not remain indebted to Péter Magyar.

Csaba Dömötör reported on a special event on social media: on his Facebook page, the Fidesz EP representative criticized the behavior of the president of the TISZA party in his "Brussels still life".

Péter Magyar walked behind me first and shouted something in his well-known style

Dömötör wrote.

"I'm happy for him that in less than a few hours, AFTER 1 MONTH (!), he GOT HIS JOB, to which he was elected in June.

This is a small step for the European Parliament, but a big step for Péter Magyar, as he completely missed September.

We don't know what prevents him from going to his workplace, but we ask one thing: don't apply this to the HUF one billion artificial intelligence machine."

- said Csaba Dömötör.

Cover photo: Csaba Dömötör
Source: Facebook/Csaba Dömötör