If an early election were held this Sunday, Fidesz-KDNP would win according to authoritative opinion polls
There is no political and social reality for an early election in Hungary - among other things, the leading analyst of the Fundamental Rights Center spoke on Friday on Kossuth radio Good morning, Hungary! in his show.
According to Levente Szikra, despite the fact that Péter Magyar, the president of the Tisza Party, compares the two, there is no similarity between the current situation and the situation after the Ószöd speech, when Fidesz, then in opposition, asked the government for early elections.
the country fell into a " " due to the words of the prime minister at the time, and the crisis was about the fact that the ruling party had fulfilled other than what it had promised, the analyst said.
He highlighted
today we can't even "see the germ " of such a thing, and the country currently has a government that has consistently received very serious social empowerment even in elections that were not about governance.
He noted that this was also the case in last year's European Parliament election, which Fidesz-KDNP won overwhelmingly.
Levente Szikra also talked about the " established institution " in European democracies is the early election, which usually serves to resolve some political crisis. Basically, it arises when legitimacy and social support disappear from behind a government, but we can't talk about that in Hungary at all - he assessed.
He said that if an early election were to be held this Sunday, " according to authoritative opinion polls ", the Fidesz-KDNP would win, the surveys do not reveal a change of government.
He noted
there are left-wing institutes that have published contrary measurements, but according to him, these are manipulated surveys aimed at creating a political mood as if there is no chance of a new government shake-up.
The analyst emphasized that if these public opinion polls were true, a party in such a " challenging position " would start in the Tolna county interim parliamentary representative election, where it could prove that the surveys are true and that it really has the social majority. Since the Tisza Party does not even start, Levente Szikra concludes that the organization itself does not trust the surveys showing its leadership and its own abilities.
He said that the Brussels leaders who determine the operation of the European Union's institutions are constantly being pushed into the background, and they could see that in 2024 the forces critical of them had significantly strengthened. According to Levente Szikra, the goal of these leaders is to bring about a change of government in Hungary as soon as possible, so that " they can realize their own ideologically motivated powerful aspirations ".
The analyst said that Péter Magyar is not an independent actor, but primarily wants to satisfy his own international allies, and that he does not represent Hungary in Brussels, but represents Brussels in Hungary.
As he said, the activities of the Tisza Party also fit into this circle, which is also supported by the fact that earlier Manfred Weber, the president of the European People's Party, stated that they would like Péter Magyar to lead the country and the Tisza Party to come to power.
Levente Szikra also spoke on the subject in the current program of the M1 channel, where he said that in the European political situation last year, in the EP elections and in several member state elections, the forces opposed to today's political direction in Brussels strengthened significantly, which is why the political leaders in Brussels have reason to worry.
Repeating his statement on the radio show, the analyst emphasized,
in next week's Tolna county by-election, " Péter Magyar did not dare to run in person, nor did his party dare to nominate a candidate ".
According to the leading analyst, in addition to the fact that the party semi-believes the " seemingly manipulated left-wing opinion polls " that claim its leadership, this also shows that the Tisza Party actually " does not exist in an organizational sense ".
He explained that the party does not cover the country, has no serious membership and internal organization. According to Levente Szikra, the demand for an early election is frivolous.
In the M1 program, the analyst emphasized that there are no circumstances in Hungary that would justify the holding of an early election.
Cover image: Illustration
Voting in the local government, European Parliament (EP) and national elections in Hódmezővásárhely, in the 22nd polling station set up in the Szent István tér elementary school on June 9, 2024.
MTI/Péter Lehoczky