Donald Tusk wants to destroy Polish-Hungarian relations, according to Mariusz Blaszczak.

Mariusz Blaszczak, leader of the Law and Justice faction, former deputy prime minister and minister of national defense, published a guest article in the columns of Mandiner, in which he highlighted the development of Polish-Hungarian relations: there is no objective reason for defaming Poland's Hungarian friends.

"Polish-Hungarian friendship is our treasure. Cooperation with Hungary has always gone very well. But as we see, Donald Tusk decided to destroy these relations.

This is harmful to our country. Hungary is handing over the presidency of the European Union to Poland, and we must treat this moment as a holiday, as a symbol of Polish-Hungarian cooperation within the European Union and as an opportunity for our region," Blaszczak pointed out, according to

there is no objective reason for defaming Poland's Hungarian friends.

"Only the political interest of Donald Tusk is decisive here. He wants to punish the Hungarian government for noticing what has been going on in Poland for a year regarding the rule of law, how the rights of citizens and the opposition are being violated"

- pointed out Mariusz Blaszczak, who said that the fact that Hungary granted political asylum to Marcin Romanowski angered Tusk, because all of "Europe learned from this" what illegalities happened in Poland on December 13, 2023, after the new government was formed.

According to the politician, every Hungarian should know that "terrible things are happening that remind us of the communist era."

According to Mariusz Blaszczak, they are trying to eliminate the opposition in Poland, where independent media are openly discriminated against, through a series of illegal actions, such as arbitrary arrests and defunding of the main opposition party.

"These were the real plans of those who were constantly worried about the supposedly endangered 'rule of law' under our government."

"I am very grateful to the Hungarian institutions for not turning a blind eye to this lawlessness, for noticing that Minister Marcin Romanowski cannot expect a fair prosecution and an impartial, independent trial in Poland today. Representatives of the authorities have condemned him several times in the media, and we constantly hear calls for even more ruthless, even more illegal action against the main opposition force - Law and Justice.

Absurd suspensions of the immunity of opposition representatives are increasing," emphasized Mariusz Blaszczak, who concluded his article as follows:

"People are intimidated.

We had to deal with the torture of people considered political enemies by the authorities, for example the case of the priest Michał Olszewski, which was confirmed even by the ombudsman from the camp of the current government, who cautiously called the behavior of the authorities "inhuman".

Cover photo: Mariusz Blaszczak message to the Hungarians
Source: Facebook/Mariusz Blaszczak