Run of poets


13 poets are running, on nimble feet of poetry, anyone who can stand it can run with them, there will be 42 laps of this marathon.

This year, you can also run with the poets at the "POETS' RUN" program, at Ferenc Square, where Attila József grew up. The essence of the program is that at least 42 laps are run by the poets featured in the Poems of the Year 2024 volume, who can be joined by anyone who likes to run or who wants to meet contemporary poets and have a good chat. This is a light, sporty literary program, which was already joined by prose writers last year. Elements of the program: Warm-up (verse training); Poets' Run; Literary kneading table (discussion, autographs)


Anikó Bali, Márton Falusi (József Attila Prize winner), Filip Tamás (József Attila Prize winner), János Gál, Sándor Halmosi, Király Farkas (József Attila Prize winner), Zita Kubina, Valentin Novák, Imre Payer (József Attila Prize winner) , András Petőcz (Babérkoszorú prize winner), Zoltán Balázs Rónai, Zsolt Székelyhidi, Gábor Zsille (József Attila prize winner)

The full event calendar view