How do we survive the age of danger? – Outsourced Civil Academy


CÖF-CÖKA, organized by the Miskolc Club of the Civil Solidarity Forum, in cooperation with the ÉLETFA Foundation for Social and Environmental Culture, the ÉLETMŰTÁRS Art and Civil Studies Association, and the Circle of Poetry Friends Foundation, respectfully invites Science and Technology to Miskolc on February 22, 2023 (Thursday) at 5 p.m. In the club room (1st floor) of his house (Görgey A. u. 5.) the How do we survive the age of dangers? to the seconded Civil Academy.

Guest: Zoltán Kiszelly, political scientist, director of the Századvég Center for Political Analysis, Honorary member of the CÖF Club Miskolc

Contributor: Dr. Rita Hortai and Julianna Asztalos, Versbarátok Kore Foundation

Interlocutor: Dr. Attila Lengyel, honorary president of the CÖF Club Miskolc


The full event calendar view